Example sentences of "[vb infin] it be important " in BNC.

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1 If you want to motivate them to go out and sell that product , you 've got to make them feel it is important to them .
2 An authority spokesman said : ‘ We are not being judgmental about this , but we do feel it is important information and people have a right to know . ’
3 Clearly you 're unlikely to be recommending somewhere that is not transport in the structure but you 'll believe it 's important to specify which one .
4 It is important to buy red socks does not entail It is important to buy scarlet socks 7 .
5 ‘ I do n't suppose it 's important , but I thought I ought to tell you that I saw Mr Riddle on Friday evening . ’
6 Some parents or relatives do n't think it 's important to get their friend or relative registered .
7 Walley commented , ‘ As long as the service agreements are being met , I do n't think it 's important to talk about the topology ’ — although SuperJANET 's Dr Geoff Manning says that so far only three switches are in operation .
8 ‘ I really do n't think it 's important .
9 Why do you think it 's important it does remain confidential though , I mean why why should n't all this be , you know , in the public domain anyway ?
10 Okay John why why why why do you think it 's important that you should be allowed to wear a hairpiece if you want ?
11 It 's a pity in a way that we did n't have this discussion before , because I do think it 's important and I think parties these days , goodness knows what we 're matching is to , should be a bit and they want more , sort of less than putting in less fifty percent .
12 Do you think it 's important or interesting to know ?
13 Do you think it 's important ?
14 yeah , well I was there the other day and erm the bell went and nobody sort of moved and I thought I think , I know , you know , so I got up and I washed me cup of tea like , you know , they looked at me as if you know oh there 's a keen , but I mean I do think it 's important to do that , because not only that it 's not fair for the
15 And in many ways I do n't think it 's important , and I , I think that in the majority of our children with those kinds of difficulties you find the two in association , and you ca n't work on one without working on the other .
16 I take the view that , having regard to the recitals and to the terms of the order , one can read into the order itself the element of compromise , but again I do not think it is important for the decision of this case ; because the compromise , if compromise it was , was between the plaintiffs and Jack Bernardout , and I do not think it enures for the benefit of Joseph Bernardout , the defendant in these proceedings .
17 For example , twelve out of sixteen teachers wrote ‘ yes ’ in response to the question , ‘ Do you think it is important to raise the issue of ‘ sex stereotyping ’ should you encounter it in texts ? ’
18 ‘ I did n't think it was important .
19 Do you think it was important that er or do you think your experience coming though the was important ?
20 Er thank you Chairman erm th that is one of the Liberal resolutions that we can get it is important at the sorry to give evidence of the alternative viewpoint and , and that is the case in , in opposing er for those who are opposing that er terminal five .
21 erm , okay , but this information is there for you to find out about , the reason why I would say it 's important to find out about those things , well one , you tell me
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