Example sentences of "[vb infin] it [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Lee 's hid some gunpowder he swiped from under the Arches and I 'm gon na pinch it off him . ’
2 Er you would n't include it on your list of essentials ?
3 She loved him , so much that it seemed impossible that she had lived her life this long without him , impossible that he could n't know it from her response .
4 I think he 's Scottish by extraction , though you 'd hardly know it from his accent .
5 Yes , you do n't need it for what we 're going to do now
6 I did n't need it for myself and none of my students could read it anyway .
7 I 'll need it for my missionary work in India , and you could help me to learn it by studying with me .
8 Now , what I was gon na do now was go through this quoick transformation right , you 're not gon na be asked t to produce it in an exam or anything like that , but the reason why I 'm doing it now is that you will need it for your er , your Q M exam not er your exam , your project right , cos there is a similar applicat , it 's quite a commonly used tool you 'll find er , where wherever we have a , erm , an expression with an infinite number of erm possibilities or an in infinite number of arguments .
9 I might need it fer summat else beside the coal . ’
10 The first five are in Latin , but Miller , realising his limitations , wrote in August 1763 , ‘ I have taken the liberty of writing to you in English , being informed that you can either read it yourself , or have some persons who can translate it for you ’ .
11 Will you translate it for us ? ’
12 If we time it right we 'll catch it with its pants down . ’
13 BOY , DID I catch it for my remarks about George Orwell 's 1984 .
14 ‘ Do you want to let me catch it for you ? in he continued patronisingly .
15 I got this notion that I 'd some terrible disease – as if the Con was n't terrible enough – and everybody would catch it off me .
16 Bring yer net , you wo n't catch it without one .
17 Consequently , the 50 old-age pensioners have a 10-minute walk to catch the local bus , whereas previously they could catch it near their front door .
18 On the other hand , if it remains alive it may try to jump out of the hole and you can catch it in your hands .
19 Should one of the fry slip from the nest the male will catch it in his mouth and spit it back into the nest .
20 I said well I 'm trying to I said this bloke what happens to be my oldest brother I said , and he wo n't even tow it for me !
21 It is the board which has the final responsibility for strategic plans and actions while the role of the corporate planning department is to advise and assist it in its decisions .
22 I could wordprocess it for you
23 Take the stand , I 'll wordprocess it for you
24 But the man would could win it for them is Mick Quinn substitute against his old club .
25 ‘ And I believe he is the man who can win it for us at Elland Road .
26 You are then obliged to play a Spade from the dummy and East will win it with his 10 and cash his winning Club for the setting trick .
27 Well , Lloyd 's of London can buy it for me .
28 ‘ No , you did n't buy it for me .
29 I do n't really get pocket money but if I see something in the shops in , in , this toy or something my mum , mum 'll buy it for me and say that 's your pocket money for this week .
30 it 's funny cos I just I thought ooh , I 'll buy it for her cos you know she does n't
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