Example sentences of "[vb infin] and [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 We hope that you will enjoy and benefit from reading the pages that follow , find the satisfaction that comes as a result of learning mathematics and realise one of the main objects of studying mathematics — development of the power of reason .
2 Supported by the Countryside Commission , the Countryside Comes to Town was designed to help people enjoy and learn from first-hand experience about the Trust 's work in the countryside .
3 Groups of GPs will negotiate and buy from the hospitals of their choice the ordinary range of services their patients need .
4 Political-economic analysis could help professional economists both by providing a critique of their ideology , and also in assessing what is feasible , who will benefit and lose from their policies , what will tend to be done or left undone in the project and so on .
5 It is the peculiar human ability to re-organize and re-describe and re-evaluate from novel points of view that makes for the superiority of the consultants over any set of bibliographical instruments , as well as the human ability to recognize a question as misconceived or stupid .
6 It is of course a great advantage if the organization starts , so to speak , with this in place and in our case I believe our scientific heritage and background lead naturally to a wish to hear , dissect and learn from others ' views .
7 The Main Library collections are complemented by faculty libraries for Divinity , Law and the Europa Institute , Medicine , Music , Science , and Veterinary Medicine ; all students may use and borrow from these libraries .
8 Confidence that you can understand and benefit from using statistical techniques in a particular situation
9 The ProShare Association is an independent , non-profit-making organisation which was set up to help people understand and benefit from stockmarket investments .
10 And we did require and demand and obtain from the Treasury a great deal of information before we would allow , as it were , any decision to be made .
11 Congress , if as a trade union , and if as a labour movement , you stop going forward in campaigning , there 's only one thing that happens you start to go backwards , because this government will always try and take from working class people , all the time .
12 You can use abstracts as an indication of something you might want to read , or you can just read and learn from the abstracts themselves .
13 Why end up re-roofing when you can seal and bond from the inside NOW !
14 Because the males ' reproductive success is probably limited by the number of females they can attract and defend from other males rather than their sperm supply , natural selection will favour any property in a male that enables him to mate with more females .
15 ‘ Here you may rest and recover from your fever .
16 Certainly , they would not go and beg from wealthy relatives !
17 I 'm gon na go and get from my school .
18 Fronted by a HyperCard-like interface — SuperCard , actually — the system lets users click and move from point to point on the painting and get lectures and comments from old bores , ex-mistresses , ‘ people who were there ’ , dopey ex-Nazi pilots , Picasso mavens and all sorts of experts .
19 Undefended flowers can not be farmed in this manner , because another bird could come and drink from the flower during the interval before it has restored its nectar to the higher level .
20 Species may therefore come and go from guilds without causing havoc there .
21 This does n't mean that ICL has given up on the Texas Instruments Inc Sparc line , simply that it can now pick and choose from the two superscalar implementations on offer , says Mike Coote .
22 Surrounded as he was by the glamour of the acting world , he could pick and choose from the world 's most beautiful women — women like Marianne , with her lush body and provocative , slanting green eyes .
23 And while it is BPX-GOM 's first third-party agreement to remotely operate and produce from a subsea gas well , the Offshore Division has been operating its own satellite gas well , High Island A-587 , since 1991 .
24 We will live and work from the YWAM base in Secunderdad , which is just outside Hyderabad .
25 Me and him 'd sit and eat from half past six
26 When news of a flourishing Swedish house scene began to break 18 months ago , it looked like being little more than a PR scam based around the fact that Neneh Cherry 's half-sister Titiyo could sing and came from Stockholm .
27 We , everyone , should organise and revolt from where we stand ’ — KRS — One
28 How can you learn and grow from this illness ?
29 At last he let go , feeling the sorrow rise and spill from him .
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