Example sentences of "[vb infin] and [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 What we were trying to say is there is actually a place and my Right Honourable Friend thinks that there is and indeed so do I , for people to contribute to the problem of policing in their locality who have n't necessarily for one reason or another and my Noble Friend Lord Whitelaw said , decided not to erm be on the police authority , maybe they have n't had time , maybe there has n't been their , their particular but nevertheless they do know and they do care about their locality and they have got a er er a contribution to make and we think that that would actually improve the local the police authorities , provided that they are not in an overwhelming position and that is the reason why we 've suggested that eight erm t er , er , er o of a police authority of sixteen , eight should be councillors in the majority , five should be independents and three should be er er er magistrates and My Lords and then of course the complaint was ah , but then some people may not be properly represented and the number ought to be larger .
2 Listen for a guy I do n't know and he did , he does
3 I said what 's Ollie involved in , and he says I do n't know and I do n't want to know .
4 ‘ Do n't know and I do n't care . ’
5 I do n't know and I do n't care .
6 The reason that Scotton Parish Council are opposed to a road of the type shown in the key diagram , is that they do not consider and I do not consider that a road in that position , going to the north of Knaresborough , could effectively meet that need to relieve the A fifty nine .
7 They tell each other stories ( Sprugg is a poet , like Rodolfo ) ; they flirt harmlessly , get quietly drunk , but they do n't swear and they do n't you-know-what — it 's a family show , in fact , though any child would faint with boredom .
8 I am not permitted to have intercourse for three weeks after surgery , but there are other things we can do and we do them .
9 Yeah because the other thing is that although erm you might have all these sort of high flying ideas about what you wan na do and you do n't actually feel tied down by a relationship , actually you do live your life thinking well ca n't really do that because I wan na be with him .
10 Gran did n't smoke and she did n't drink . ’
11 ‘ I do n't smoke and I do n't drink .
12 So what do you think and who do we ask to find out if these rubber seals are compatible with silicone fluid ?
13 What does a survey cover and what does it exclude ?
14 You think you 're fit , but not to the extent of athletes or to aerobic teachers of a high calibre , erm but I think we erm although we joke about , you can see on the pain in the faces that it does hurt and it does do us good .
15 oh it do n't hurt and you do n't cry and you do n't need a
16 However , such groupings do exist and they do have some effects on , and are affected by , the political practices of the TCC in most countries .
17 And always , always , however she killed , the moment of agonising red pleasure that was awareness of non-existence , the I stilled , the beautiful blissful moment when she did not exist and they did not exist and They did not exist and the whole dusty lightless World was not — only the certainty of not-existing never lasted and soon she would have to kill again .
18 And always , always , however she killed , the moment of agonising red pleasure that was awareness of non-existence , the I stilled , the beautiful blissful moment when she did not exist and they did not exist and They did not exist and the whole dusty lightless World was not — only the certainty of not-existing never lasted and soon she would have to kill again .
19 At the time , the idea of a strong exclusive relationship was something that I did not actually want and I do n't think that even consciously at that time , I would have sought to have had that kind of relationship with David who was considerably younger than me and also , even though I was deeply into the whole scene and everything it represented , I do n't think I actually wanted to settle down with somebody who was a musician and was leading that sort of life style .
20 Not just republican , we have loyalists as well and the loyalists have the potential for being the bigger and more effective of the two , and if we let the I R A to continue without interning them , you are going to have the situation deteriorating in the way which you do n't want and I do n't want , and you 're going to end up as the chief constable of the R U C said a few weeks ago with Dublin being bombed .
21 ‘ You do n't flatter , you do n't charm and you do n't tell lies .
22 Well I do n't think actually , I mean I can remember and I do n't quite understand what 's going on here , keeps swapping and changing and I do n't understand it .
23 The same as the way that this gentleman has found it 's somebody else making a decision to what people can see and I do n't consider some a show like Pro 's and Con 's which had female nudity and two hundred and fifty people walk out in one night to mean something which I think is enhancing to the playhouse . .
24 The bells did n't work and I do n't know who put the names there , they 've just always been there .
25 Exactly , on some people 's computers , it do n't work and I do n't understand that .
26 The next day , which was the Friday , O did n't work and he did n't eat ; he woke up late , stayed in bed until it was dark , got up at nine and dressed in his white shirt just like always and he went to The Bar looking for his heart 's desire one very last time , and that was the night that he met Boy .
27 can I suggest and I du n no , it might not work we have a lot of children who find it difficult to wo to work at home could we hold a detention in the resource centre for the hour so if other children want to use it , I do n't know , is it open after school ?
28 So we did suggest and I did believe your party to support erm , a process where we did consult with local people but we also took other factors into consideration .
29 I want to end by saying that we need now to f go over this hurdle of liberation make sure that the vast majority of black South Africans who are deeply angry and I saw this anger because I was in South Africa when Chris was assassinated and this anger was turning into rage and the country was on a knife edge it could have blown up , the country would have burned had it not been for the diplomatic achievement of , of enormous stature by Nelson Mandela when he addressed the whole nation and in a sense seized power informally from white and black and the country managed to survive that but if that anger turns into rage again then the country could burn and I do n't say this to be dramatic but just to warn that in those moments when the media and so on do n't explain the situation well do n't forget our people because they have had to cope with this situation .
30 I did n't move and he did n't see me .
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