Example sentences of "[vb infin] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And the agreement may insist that the duchess should never act in a way that brings the royal family into disrepute .
2 On the other hand , such an authority must act in good faith , use the powers for the purpose for which they were given , take into account relevant matters and disregard the irrelevant , and must not act in a way so unreasonable that no reasonable authority could have so acted .
3 Thus the government may spend money on compulsory education or compulsory vaccination because is recognizes that , left to their own decisions , individuals will act in a way they will subsequently regret .
4 Needs have to be met to enable active citizenship as without education , welfare , health care , self-respect , and law we can not act in a way we would like to .
5 It was clear , however , that an unwise or ill-advised Monarch might conceivably act in a manner which could be construed as partial , in that it appeared to reflect a royal preference for one particular group within the party .
6 Hunt suggests that conflict of this kind may act in a group of individuals to :
7 ( 4 ) A member of a licensing board shall not act in the granting of a licence in respect of premises of which he is the proprietor , tenant or sub-tenant .
8 The Chancellor must act in the March Budget , ’ said Roger Simpson , director of the Brewers ' Society .
9 Nor does the thesis claim that authorities should always act in the interests of their subjects .
10 These are likely to be self-serving , but , in Berle and Means ' view , the possibility is also opened up that rather than furthering their own interests , or those of the shareholders as currently required by law , management might act in the interests of society as a whole , evolving into a ‘ purely neutral technocracy balancing a variety of claims by various groups in the community and assigning to each a portion of the income stream on the basis of public policy rather than private cupidity ’ .
11 It does not matter very much which interests run the state , they will always act in the interests of the preservation of the capitalist mode of production .
12 In considering Germany , Italy and the empire , Innocent 's dream was that Henry VI 's son , Frederick , should act in the interests of the Church .
13 For example when foreign documents relating to professional conduct the opinions of experts not sealable on disputes of policy in professional to etiquette to elucidate the rules of a particular profession , English law , morals and probability of human nature and all our opinions of law is that which English law though they may prove the proper costs of particular legal proceedings , neither expert or ordinary witnesses may give their opinions upon matters of legal or moral obligations or general human nature or the manner in which other persons would probably act in the interests and my Lord this director points at the policy it is in fact the authority admits which is Mr Justice then was .
14 He must act in the purity of the moment .
15 Perfect or absolute Truth , which is known by faith , is beyond our empirical grasp which means that we must act in the knowledge that we are holding on to such truth as we are able to apprehend in this world .
16 The facts that huissiers are appointed or licensed by the state and have a defined role in Codes of Civil Procedure in respect of service enable them to be treated as in a similar position to the competent state officials , and direct communication from huissier to huissier ( who will then act in the state of destination to involve the local parquet ) can be authorised .
17 It could be that social psychologists have much to learn from the practical knowledge contained in common everyday sense and could more usefully pursue questions of how common sense helps us act in the world , instead of criticising its supposed inadequacies and developing new improved uncommon sense based on the laboratory subject .
18 Do you actually act in the films or are you Dudley Moore ?
19 Advertising and public relations can try to improve or change the image of a client but this is always limited by the nature of how the reputation was built and earned in the first place and how the client will really act in the future .
20 The firm should not normally act in the role of principal during the course of divestment negotiations , but only in a professional or agency role .
21 the management of the target company must act in the interest of all the shareholders and not frustrate the bid ,
22 The teacher in higher education should be trying to promote genuine independence of mind , rather than act in the guise of a pied piper .
23 The direction of the force is obvious , it can only act in the line connecting the two point charges .
24 Altering the structure does not necessarily tackle practices and the more fundamental issues of how the media should treat and explain the complexity of contemporary social problems or how they should act in the face of the increasing ability of governments and other authorities to control and manipulate information .
25 He is required by statute , before he can act in the office of councillor , to make the declaration of acceptance of office .
26 Ever-loyal Leigh says that 's grossly unfair on a woman who proved she could act in the movie Madame Sousatzka and that she could sing and dance in the film version of Thirties musical The Boyfriend .
27 At his news conference , Mr Ashdown refused to be drawn on how many Cabinet seats he would seek in the event of a hung parliament .
28 The latter was in practice obliged to pledge that it would consult and inform governments at all stages of any initiative , that it would cooperate more closely with the Council of Ministers , and that it would not seek in the future to behave like a government .
29 Mr. Cooper replied by letter on 9 May 1983 , in which he pointed out the absolute necessity that tenants of the dock company should not be disturbed at a later date and seeking clarification that the council would not seek in the terms of their letter of 31 March to draw a distinction between ‘ extremely detrimental ’ and detrimental .
30 Responsible suppliers , who have everything to gain by maximising product penetration , will welcome the chance to contribute and usually will assist in every way .
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