Example sentences of "[vb infin] the [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I must stress the fact we have visited the homes and brought in 135 juveniles in connection with this inquiry since last Friday . ’
2 Economics , sociology , mathematics , law and accounting were suggested as the essential subjects , and although colleges could provide liberal studies also , ‘ we would stress the importance we attach to a liberal treatment of the whole curriculum ’ .
3 On temporarily sober reflection , I think I 'd better just stay the way I am , and settle for the occasional bursts of adulation down the pub .
4 The irony for him now is that a third success could relegate the club he supported as a boy .
5 We can help you devise the scheme you need to meet your needs in the most cost-effective way , to reward your employees without overstraining your cashflow or profits , and our specialists will come and explain everything to your employees .
6 Mr Webb says the row wo n't stop his fund raising activities — but he thinks the hospital should refund the money it spent , so that it can be put towards other needy projects .
7 I have been asked by my chief to ask you to let me have for him without further delay , the short note which he called ‘ on what you would advise should be done to concentrate and coordinate the work you are doing ’ .
8 Furthermore , a reinvestigation involving the same suspects and witnesses can not be independent of the original investigation because the experience of the original investigation will influence the way they behave in any further investigation .
9 In a way his personality does influence the way I would vote , because I think I can trust him . ’
10 The Tree has some pretty weird ideas about religion ; he might just swallow the idea he 's been working for the devil all this time .
11 They will recollect the guidelines they were given themselves as children .
12 I can recollect the brief you gave to and we all agreed it is that everybody would be able to do
13 She would compare the snaps they 'd taken of Peter on the lawn in the summer with the photographs of John as a baby .
14 You 'll pardon the paraphrase I hope .
15 Yeah we are has that does that answer the question we actually are considering it
16 Can I just answer the question I , I dodged ?
17 Brilliant answer , but he did n't answer the question I asked .
18 Can I answer the question you asked Choppy , firstly about opting out being a stunt , and course it 's a political stunt .
19 ‘ And as to how I found you — when you did n't answer the phone I went round to the flat .
20 He always rushed to the phone , he would n't let me answer the phone you see .
21 and wild beyond er , that one boy who was and had n't been used to that sort of thing , for his father had kept a small cook stock his companion that unless he has another basin of gruel he was afraid he might , he might some night happen to eat , eat the boy he slept next to , who happened to be a weakly youth of tender eight and they , and they impeccably believed him .
22 Do they also eat the leaves they use for plugging ?
23 It is not uncommon , for example , for anthropologists , noting meat and other sacrificial offerings placed before the gods , to ask , somewhat incredulously but with appropriate reverence : ‘ And will the gods come and eat the food you have prepared ? ’
24 ‘ Do you eat the food I bring you , or give it to Rosa 's kids ? ’
25 A wide range of examples illustrate the text , designed to help teachers evaluate and adapt the materials they themselves use .
26 I ca n't reproduce the way he talks — you 'll have to listen to him for yourself — but he just sort of zooms off .
27 It is not possible to discover even one other sentential context in which the im — /zero alternation can reproduce the contrast we find with impertinent .
28 Let us enhance the way you live in as natural a way as possible .
29 Landowners ca n't do exactly what they want for a start , and if they intend to do anything which might damage the site they have to inform the Nature Conservancy Council in writing and try to work out a compromise .
30 I had quite a restless night , and did not really fancy the tea I was brought in the morning .
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