Example sentences of "[vb infin] the [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If his Subaru Legacy is first back in Chester tomorrow evening , Britain 's brightest rally star will scoop the cash prize being offered by Lombard — to mark their last year of sponsorship — for a home win .
2 How do I sex the Labidochromis caeruleus and the Os. socolofi ?
3 If a problem is suspected with any programs in the system the lexicographer should invoke the Problem Management Procedures .
4 A full sale of the property ( for whatever reason ) back to the father might invoke the inheritance tax gifts with reservation provisions if the son continued to live there and the property was sold at less than full value .
5 Neville Whittaker , the ebullient chief executive of the North East Civic Trust , says the region has so many bad buildings a great deal of it would not be left standing if he could invoke the Heseltine solution .
6 Who can invoke the dispute resolution procedure and how ?
7 Prior to running the software , the user should check that LIFESPAN is running with facilities made available , and should then invoke the LIFESPAN user access file to set up the necessary logical names ( see the ‘ Installation and Management of LIFESPAN ’ ) .
8 Prior to running LIFESPAN PMR , the user should check that LIFESPAN is running with facilities made available , and should then invoke the LIFESPAN user access file to set up the necessary logical names ( see ‘ Installation and Management of LIFESPAN ’ ) .
9 Her elder son , who had done a conservation course , would have been warden , her elder daughter — a very good journalist — would do the publicity , her younger daughter , an artist and photographer , would design the field centre and set up exhibitions , and her younger son , an excellent communicator of great charm , would show the schoolchildren round .
10 The designer can thus either simply design the copper track layout first , and then make the board the correct size to accommodate it , or alternatively define the size of the board to start with and then try to make the copper track pattern fit it .
11 Citrine and Self were preoccupied with the administrative problems of vesting , organisational initiatives , and Area Board relations ; and their new cramped headquarters in Great Portland Street could not absorb the CEB organisation .
12 It can also service the advertising agency community with typesetting and artwork production ; provide communications consultancy from client companies ; and produce proprietary software products .
13 DEC will sell , install and service the Auspex servers .
14 If others took the same decision it would spare the North selectors some uncomfortable choices .
15 Her mum loves it , her friends think the attention is great , but bosses at a firm of Belfast architects could n't spare the city girl the time off she needed for her modelling .
16 Once creditors have approved the debtor entering into a voluntary arrangement the court may stay the bankruptcy proceedings and rescind the bankruptcy order .
17 That was more a reflection on Dead Certain 's ring rustiness than her stamina and Asmussen said : ‘ She 's a very good filly and I 'm sure she 'll stay the Guineas mile because she 's got such a lovely relaxed temperament . ’
18 At no point in the document is account taken of the context in which Religious Education is presented in the Catholic school , namely that of a faith-sharing community and this does not presume the commitment level of any individual .
19 When at last the consumer does rediscover the spending habit , those survivors should see a very satisfactory margin benefit .
20 Vitamin C is a great aid to helping your body utilize the iron present in your diet .
21 Often , invoice discounting is more attractive to the larger companies that can manage their own sales ledgers , but it does expose the factor/invoice discounter to greater risks because it is not so closely involved in the client 's affairs .
22 The Egyptians will expose the silica gel , which has been donated by Crosfield Chemicals , to humidity before placing it around the ship .
23 In the extreme cases , this type of foreign investment will not upgrade the host economy in any meaningful sense .
24 Rather than imitate the blanket policy operated by other publishing houses , a few publishers cater for more specialised needs , such as Taizé chants or responsorial psalmody .
25 The most likely development is that studios will imitate the music business and create separate divisions devoted to films for black audiences , where black producers who know their market best will determine what films are made .
26 On the other hand , if they refused to publish the whole Report this would anger the teaching profession and provide the journalists with a sensational story .
27 The biggest danger is that his uncompromising stance on the presidency may anger the army chiefs , who are highly sensitive on the subject .
28 The other end of the draw saw Agassi topple the surprise packet Jakob Hlasek and Boris Becker beat Chang .
29 Mr Endara was told of the planned attack , and asked for his support , which he apparently granted , saying that he was ready to become the new leader if the US could topple the Noriega regime .
30 Valley Bridge firm 's award WARDS of Sherburn , near Scarborough , the company which stepped in to finance and build the £130,000 barriers on the resort 's notorious Valley Bridge , has won an accolade from the Civic Society .
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