Example sentences of "[to-vb] just [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The object of the authoring tool is to make it possible for the user to concentrate just on the information and design requirements of an application rather being diverted and befogged by the technical problems of putting them together in a system that works .
2 Return the fruit to the pan and add enough water to come just below the level of the fruit .
3 I used to get a pretty good idea of what was to come just from the way they shook hands with a grown-up .
4 The strategy is to get developers to write just to the Windows programming interface , even for alternative operating systems , such as Unix and System 7 .
5 On the subject of a ‘ Windows layer ’ for Unix , the Microsoft Corp chairman said that the company is considering either libraries that would enable developers to recompile Windows software , or source-code licences that would allow third parties create and sell run-time versions of Windows for Unix , a concept also used in the tool code-named Wings , formerly Alar , which recompiles Windows applications to run on the Macintosh ; the strategy is to get developers to write just to the Windows programming interface , even for alternative operating systems , such as Unix and System 7 .
6 I would like to go just for a trial .
7 You see how hard it is to see just from the graph , from a , from
8 With an eye to the latest unemployment figures , due today , when the seasonally adjusted total is expected to remain just under the three million barrier , the Chancellor added : ‘ Obviously in the months ahead we are going to have good news and bad news .
9 SHe had been impressed with how Tammuz had adjusted the machine to behave just like a real counter-girl .
10 The awkwardness will probably prompt you to talk just for the sake of filling in the space , and you may say more than you wanted to or even find yourself talking rubbish .
11 At this point the female brings ( digs ) them out , and allows them to feed just outside the entrance to the cave .
12 On occasions , they are advised to sell just before the price rises .
13 ‘ The first thing I wanted to do when I learned to play the guitar was to play just like the Banshees ’ guitarists , ’ recalls Debbie , having moved on to her second pint of Ireland 's finest .
14 I would say on page twelve , it 's perhaps interesting to look just at the summary there , where you 'll see that your gross expenditure for next year , is now some fifty four million pounds .
15 So when they see an apparent egg that is really a stone , the fact of its being a stone ( not that they have found a stone on the beach , say , which happens to look just like an egg ) swamps their judgement ; similarly when they see a white card changing colour — the blueness is salient not the fact that it started white .
16 a way of allowing readers to focus just on the appearance of logical objects , but authors to be aware of them as structural entities .
17 Erm whether it 's to do just with the words , like for dictionaries usage y'know or whether it 's to do with erm how language is strung together , functional use of grammar or whether it 's to do with units and repertoires and bigger units or whether it 's to do even with ideologies or yeah
18 He just decided to do just for a laugh !
19 Finally , as this is the Christmas issue , I 'm finishing with a little quiz , which I hope you will find time to do just for the fun of it over the holiday .
20 What I 'd like you to do just for the last ten minutes is to think of a member of staff you have who has a training need and think about how you will go about training them and the methods that you will use .
21 So I 've said before that erm Mill wants people to vote just in the same way that people cast their votes in a jury on the basis of what 's right .
22 I 've forgotten my troubles ; now I want to climb just for the good performance itself .
23 I cast a third of the way across and then allowed the current to roll the tackle round until the bait came to rest just on the edge of the slack .
24 It came to rest just beneath the window of the front room , inches away from where one of its occupants was sitting .
25 However on this occasion a Swordfish ( P4232 ‘ A ’ ) was lost when Lt. N.K. Cambell 's aircraft was hit by A.A. fire and he was forced to ditch just off the coast ; he and his observer managed to swim ashore , and were subsequently captured , but the TAG , P.O. ( A ) W.G.T. Welsh succumbed to injuries sustained .
26 Little dabs of left brake counteracted the crosswind for the first couple of hundred yards , but above sixty knots the rudders became effective and she was easy to align just beside the centreline lights to spare us their jolting .
27 Overall , in the 1970s the main areas of rapid population growth tended to lie just beyond the traditional suburban counties : in southern England as a broad arc to the north of the Home Counties from Norfolk to Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire .
28 Internal histological changes , comparable to those occurring in exopterygotes , take place during the prepupal period and the wing-rudiment becomes pushed out of its pocket and comes to lie just beneath the cuticle .
29 Thus was begun another chapter in the extraordinary history of St Clement Danes — a history that goes back until the time of King Arthur , who expelled the Danes from the city of London but allowed those with English wives to settle just outside the city walls .
30 Moon walked this section as if it were HVS , only to fail just below the top .
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