Example sentences of "[to-vb] to [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The objective helps you to communicate to others what you want to achieve .
2 You 'll have to write to Lady Anyone else wish to comment on
3 In June 1960 he went so far as to write to Ashby himself — by then Sir Eric and the Master of Clare College , Cambridge — setting out the case and asking whether he would make personal representations to the Minister to secure unilateral treatment for the Eastern District .
4 When he did feel able to write to Coenwulf he reminded him of his humble origins ( but avoided reference to his matrimonial difficulties ) and exhorted him to remember always the very best features of Offa 's reign , avoiding Offa 's displays of greed and cruelty .
5 erm Peter wants to tighten up on on on the business of erm carrying holidays over and I think he 's right , actually , erm and he also is using this opportunity to try to et us to plan our holidays as a group so that we 're not all off at the same time , or if it 's appropriate we should all be off a the same time then we 're off at the same time , but it 's erm common sense should prevail one way or another , but it would be a good idea if you could let me have erm a brief indication of any major times you plan to be away .
6 Personally I think it should be restricted to about four weeks and get more exhibitions in there for wider variety and also there 's a number of er travelling exhibitions around the country that come down North er from up North down to the South to show around here that you can book these any time you want er I talked to somebody organised an exhibition in London and they are quite willing to come to Harlow you book us and we have nothing like this at all .
7 If a witness is reluctant to come to court you need to consider whether their enforced presence will be counterproductive , but most witnesses will accept the situation in the end and give their evidence in good faith .
8 Ooh I 'll lose my voice up there today we 've done some really good things though try and do see more my hall is very full if he bothered to come to school he 'd have seen them !
9 Every time we arranged to come to London he would decide he had other things to do .
10 Would you like to come to microphone one please ?
11 If Lindberg was to come to Tromsø he would be hung from a lamp-post , probably by his balls .
12 ‘ When I got the call to come to Belgium I had a few things to do , ’ he explained .
13 Whatever the nature of price adjustment costs , one important development in establishing the micro-foundations of Keynesian wage or price rigidity has emphasized that these costs need not be substantial to lead to rigidities which can have important macroeconomic consequences .
14 The intrusion of the bureaucratic considerations is likely to lead to solutions which differ in many cases from those an individual should have adopted if left to himself .
15 Since one has reason to express such an attitude in this way doing so enables one to conform to reasons which apply to one , which is the condition laid down by the normal justification thesis .
16 Yet it may be asked how a man can be at once free and forced to conform to wills which are not his own .
17 Holden Caulfield and Lucy Snowe have both been rejected by their societies ; Holden for refusing to conform to standards which he considers ‘ phoney ’ , and Lucy for voicing her Protestant beliefs in a strong Catholic community .
18 We must learn to listen to others who have the benefit of experience and knowledge , and allow them to help us broaden our horizons .
19 As an apologist , he seems totally blind to the fact that the New Testament is just such a collection of old books , which require , if we are to understand them aright , patience and a willingness to listen to scholars who have meditated for a long time on the nature of the ( often quite puzzling and contradictory ) material which they contain .
20 That means being willing to listen to things we 'd rather not hear .
21 If you want to talk to gardeners it 's cheaper to address them on the gardening page of a newspaper or in a specialist gardening magazine than on television .
22 Well it 's certainly clear that some of the companies , for instance Cliffhanger , which have grown in Brighton and developed Brighton as a base , are not just immensely popular within Brighton , but also very popular when we take them out on tour , or when they offer their services to other venues in other parts of East Sussex or Kent , and this is equally true of some of the community orientated groups , some of the musicians and artists who live and work primarily in Brighton erm their talent is readily appreciable throughout the region and therefore it 's part of our tactics to talk to artists who are operating in the Brighton area and see whether they 're willing or interested in taking some of their work out to other parts of the region .
23 I was n't able to talk to Ipuky myself .
24 ‘ The man who is looking for a breed to put shape into his lambs only has to talk to butchers who deal in this type of Texel-sired carcass and look at the successes achieved in carcass competitions .
25 If it is too difficult to talk to people you know , you could contact a helpline first .
26 If they had to be responsible for choosing the leaders of the Church , they needed information and their secretaries should be able to talk to people who had the information .
27 At last we were able to talk to people who 'd been through this . ’
28 I had a vague idea of trying to talk to people who knew Puddephat , but I do n't know how to go about it . ’
29 Two days later he was seen again by police this time on the town 's Valley Bridge approaching people and trying to talk to drivers who had stopped at traffic lights .
30 Well , my first job came during four weeks of my last term at RADA when I had applied and been chosen for a television play called It 's Too Late to Talk to Billy which was set in Belfast — which is where I came from originally .
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