Example sentences of "[to-vb] and how [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This highlights how Fazisi had to struggle and how great their achievement was .
2 The problem with delegation for managers is how much to trust and how much to control the tasks which have been delegated .
3 ‘ The lasagne 's fine , ’ she murmured as she played for time and thought of the three months ' mortgage she had to find and how impossible she would find it to pay one months ' mortgage , let alone three , if she did n't have a job .
4 When you book you will be asked how many games you wish to play and how many people are to be playing .
5 I would be grateful if you could tell me what concentrates to use and how much .
6 The research assesses how difficult these different devices are for children to use and how this changes with age , relating performance to the development of the child 's spatial awareness .
7 Obviously there is a very delicate balance between erm demanding too much of people 's time in consulting and talking with you , and not involving them at all , and you have to be very sensitive to how much time people are prepared to give and how much they want to be involved in something .
8 Some parents have inappropriate expectations for their child 's level of development and may just require some help in understanding and acknowledging what their child is able to do and how appropriate this is for their age .
9 I should be quite content , I thought , to live here for ever , smelling the cooking and the lavatory and the dust , looking forward to my two slices of bread at lunch or tea and my Red Cross stew at supper , thinking about all the books I am going to read and how nice it is going to be when I can speak German and Russian fluently ; I only want to be allowed to live , and enjoy the sun when it shines , and wait for it when it goes behind a cloud .
10 In view of the widespread use of the old style train sheds it is pleasing to our vanity to be reminded how expensive they were to build and how costly to maintain .
11 They question just how long a freak cow , which so disproportionably produces huge quantities of milk , can be expected to live and how sickly it will be .
12 He must know when the local authority has a duty to investigate and how that investigation should be conducted .
13 If Elmer has a right to the inheritance according to a convention of this sort — if he has a right to it according to social conventions about who has power to legislate and how that power is to be exercised and how doubts created by the language are to be settled — then he has a legal right to it , but not otherwise .
14 Our national office must help by better media coverage , bringing to non- members attention what we have to offer and how useful it is to belong to a trade union .
15 Thought to be the first computerised nutritional system in the world , it tells you exactly what to eat and how much of it .
16 The study also raises the question of which are the right outcomes to measure and how psychosocial variables should be taken into account .
17 It is quite another matter to be told what taxes to pay and how much unemployment is to be suffered and then as an afterthought to be informed that there is to be no democratic redress .
18 it just happens to be the same amount at exactly the same time but how nice of him to explain and how silly of us to be taken in by this string of coincidences .
19 Also , the rewards will depend on how many locations within the Castle the adventurers have had to enter and how many battles they have had to fight .
20 Starting the gas industry on the expansion path again is likely to depend on the kind of pricing deals Rührgas is able to strike and how competitive with oil products these prices are .
21 We all have the capacity to feel and how much more would an unborn child feel in its internal world , within its mother 's body ? just consider how you would feel if you were locked up in a room with someone in a state of fear , anxiety , anger or grief for nine months !
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