Example sentences of "[to-vb] and it was " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I had always wanted to try and it was wonderful , ’ she said .
2 It was n't difficult to find and it was light and easy to fire , a woman 's gun . ’
3 ‘ We have been given reassurances that the water is safe to drink and it was just the long hot summer but we are not so sure .
4 By the end , of course , they were thoroughly enjoying themselves because they 'd had a bit to drink and it was a jolly convivial evening . ’
5 ‘ I decided that I had to put the headmaster in a position to answer and it was this problem that worried me most — more than the outrageous charges against myself and the effect on my family .
6 The 30-year-old champion from Croydon pulled himself up at nine with seemingly no more than a split second to spare and it was possible that American referee Rudy Battle , handling his 57th world title fight , gave him the benefit of the doubt .
7 He looked wise and solemn when he said this , because he knew that ladies — even sorceress 's daughters — had their own ideas about what they ought to wear and it was not to be supposed that Flame would be any different .
8 All too soon it was time to go and it was almost reluctantly that she drove him back to Brooklands .
9 But I always had books to read and pictures to paint and it was lovely in the summer when those theatrical people from London came down and put on all those Shakespearian plays out-of-doors on the cliffs .
10 But he had a lot to carry and it was time he went .
11 There was not a lot of the ship left to see and it was very cold , below zero in fact .
12 ( Errors in calculation have been made at times , but discovered only when the water began to flow and it was found that the levada went uphill . )
13 It was encouraging that the wives saw themselves as having an increasing role to play and it was equally encouraging that in many cases they saw training courses as the best way of acquiring new skills and knowledge .
14 International forces landed in Beirut as the PLO started to leave and it was revealed that Prince Andrew , hailed as going to Cambridge University , had obtained one C and two Ds in his A-level results .
15 The three others rose to leave and it was only at the very last moment that he added , almost casually : ‘ What message were you supposed to phone to the American Consulate ? ’
16 That night he was unable to sleep and it was only after taking aspirin tablets that he was able to get any rest .
17 St Agnes FCJ was in Sierra Leone , before she was forced to flee and it was Joseph and his friend who helped her at the time .
18 Only in the latter half of the last century did these ideas begin to emerge and it was recognized that embryos developed by epigenesis .
19 so there was nothing going to waste and it was nice for me because once we 'd said goodbye I just had ten minutes , quarter of hour drive home
20 By then it had started to rain and it was very cold along the coast .
21 Just before leaving the consulting room she knew that she had one thing left to do and it was important .
22 It was a long document which took about forty minutes to read and it was not greeted with warm enthusiasm .
23 Unfortunately his exposition was not easy to read and it was Hamilton 's quaternions which gained the more attention .
24 The nature of matters which would be characterised as collateral or preliminary was still difficult to determine and it was admitted that there could be errors of law within jurisdiction which , if they appeared on the face of the record , would be quashed .
25 It was next , it was next to H & T Hornes and erm I , I think they used to do the casting there and then all the castings had to come into , for us to file and it was hard work but er there was erm a big bell to tell us when to stop work and that was outside and there was a big notice in the department , wait for the bell or
26 When some designer friends saw it they persuaded him to get it ready to market and it was ready just in time for Esher 1990 .
27 ‘ I had a lot of spare time to study and it was a useful diversion as there was n't much else to do , ’ said the 37-year-old , who lives in Darlington .
28 He took time to settle and it was not until the second half that he began to make a positive contribution to the match .
29 Had a good view of the first half chances , especially in the early period and despite the opportunities looking promising the finishing was really crap — the kop seemed to feel that we were never going to score and it was a relief that Deano actually managed to put it in the net from 6 yards .
30 whilst , if a privilege existed , it was up to the House to decide whether there had been a breach , the existence of the privilege in the first place was for the common law to decide and it was for the courts , and not the House , to declare the common law .
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