Example sentences of "[to-vb] as [subord] it " in BNC.

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1 This type of noise is often from a diff and travels down the tubular propshaft to sound as if it comes from the gearbox and gets louder as the roadspeed increases .
2 ‘ A young friend of ours , ’ I said , trying to sound as if it was the most natural thing in the world that we should be sitting here , holding hands .
3 I asked , trying not to sound as if it were a matter of life and death .
4 Claudia said , trying to sound as if it were of no real interest to her .
5 As regards Goody 's sharp distinction between oral and literate cultures , it demonstrates not only that the social reality does not correspond to this ‘ great divide ’ but also that developing a model which enables one to proceed as if it did so is not the only or most fruitful way of proceeding .
6 The position of the litigant who wrongly brings a case under Order 53 is different because Ord. 53 r. 9(5) may allow the case to continue as if it had been started by ordinary writ procedure .
7 The Monster continues to scream as if it would blast me from the cosmos .
8 The best way to face irresistible change is to behave as if it were welcome .
9 A conventional computer is turned into a ‘ thinking machine ’ by programming it to behave as if it consisted of a collection of brain cells — neurons — which will respond to a stimulus .
10 By taxing or subsidizing goods that involve externalities , the government can induce the private sector to behave as if it takes account of the externality , thus eliminating the deadweight burden arising from the misallocation induced by the externality distortion .
11 It 's a very difficult moral question , and it does no good to talk as if it was a simple black and white issue . ’
12 The medieval oak furniture , dark and glowing , was said by Mr Hulsby to look as if it were nourished on stout .
13 And not expecting everything to look as if it 's been lifted straight from the page of a glossy foodie magazine . ’
14 Geoffrey Smith , and his associates Michael Mackett and Bernard Moss , have been experimenting with the possibility of modifying vaccinia to make a vaccine against hepatitis B — a major health problem in the Third World — and it is beginning to look as if it might work ( Nature , vol 302 , p 490 ) .
15 I should prefer the headland without it but it 's beginning to look as if it had a right to be there . ’
16 Trading standards officers found two thirds of the joints tested in Yorkshire and Humberside had fat added to look as if it was a natural part of the meat .
17 If the mash is beginning to look as if it might be too runny , cook gently to reduce .
18 And there , in exactly the manner I have recommended for putting in clues in the traditional whodunit , Hammett gives his readers their clue , full-out and in the open but made to look as if it was there as part of the particularly laconic , cool conversation the two men are having over the newly-slain body .
19 Stephen wanted the hotel to look as if it had always been there , part of the landscape , and Paul suggested a South American landscape architect , whom he had heard of .
20 In other words , it had to be accurate in every tiny detail and to look as if it was at first glance .
21 You see , these steps here tend to look as if it 's a pile of beams or something with a door standing on top , but you quite clearly see those steps , but you do n't get the depth of the steps so everything is a bit flat .
22 Attach a ‘ bandage ’ to the arm and drape over the sarcophagus to look as if it is unravelling .
23 Since we had to renew so much of the timber , we thought we would turn that to good account , rather than trying to We do n't want it to look as if it 's five hundred years old .
24 How could we decide whether it had free will or was just a robot , programmed to respond as if it were like us ?
25 For long chains , co-operative motion can not be expected to extend along the entire length , and the polymer tends to act as if it were composed of a series of interconnected , but independent , kinetic units .
26 He then engaged full astern , causing the boat to stop as if it had hit a brick wall , and cried : ‘ Drop anchor ! ’
27 He opened the door wide and gestured for Robyn to enter as if it were the most natural thing in the world .
28 We have tended to speak as if it existed in some obvious and consistent way in higher education , but as some of the above quotations pointed out , the undergraduate curriculum may be influenced by other manifestations of organized knowledge , in particular research and professional practice .
29 ‘ Because each shaft is slightly thinner , hair starts to feel as if it has less body and volume , ’ says trichologist Philip Kingsley .
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