Example sentences of "[to-vb] so [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In the middle and upper classes at least , children stayed " children " for longer ( it was harder for a child to remain so when it was working at the age of 12 or 13 ) ; girls and young women were more shielded from experience outside the home ; parents were , on the whole , stricter and more repressive .
2 It 's kind of late now and I 'm in no condition to drive so when I get the 205 I only take it as far as the outskirts of Inverness where I stop at the first lit Bed and Breakfast sign I see and talk politely and slowly to the pleasant middle-aged couple from Glasgow who run the place and then say goodnight , close the door of my room and fall fast asleep on the bed without even taking off my jacket .
3 In fact it is everything a manager needs to know so if you are bucking for promotion you need this disk .
4 In fact it is everything a manager needs to know so if you are bucking for promotion you need this disk .
5 Well in er , this policy any time if you want to surrender so if you need er , some of the money , you can get that money or any time .
6 If you make him feel that he should be getting dressed , and he tries to do so before he is ready , in rehabilitation terms , he will certainly increase his spasticity and make himself even less capable of learning the movements .
7 They therefore chose to look after their children during the week , and to allow their husbands to do so while they went to work on Sundays .
8 Above all , this means taking a strategic view of multimedia and its impact on traditional publishing practice and markets and to do so while there is still time .
9 I realized , however , that to do so after we had been deprived of half our rifles and whatever security the protection of the Government afforded us would be to invite almost certain massacre .
10 Like his [ sic ] colleagues in most developing countries , he is , to say the least , unprepared and unwilling to serve in rural areas and has to be forced to do so although he is fully aware that rural areas and people are most undeveloped and disadvantaged because of lack of human , material and financial resources ....
11 However , the four Basque deputies elected in October for United People ( HB ) had still not taken up their seats , and the Constitutional Court confirmed in a ruling on March 29 that they would not be permitted to do so unless they swore the conventional oath of allegiance to the Constitution [ see p. 37135 ] .
12 However , most people fail to do so unless they are admitted .
13 Thus , although section 49 states that the seller can sue for the price in certain circumstances ( see Chapter 12 ) , he will nevertheless not be able to do so unless he is also ready and willing to deliver the goods .
14 Indeed , they would probably not wish to do so unless it was centrally heated .
15 They are willing to do so because they expect to be paid back , and because they expect to profit from the transaction through the interest they charge on the loan — it would be a strange world if they did n't !
16 ‘ My greatest impulse was to hug them — but you are afraid to do so because they are so fragile , you are frightened they might break . ’
17 They are willing to do so because they expect to be paid back and because they expect to profit from the transaction through the interest they charge on the loan — it would be a strange world if they did n't !
18 For the poll tax the Government gave councils 18 months to get their computer software in order , but the councils were unable to do so because they did not have the resources and the rules and complexities kept changing .
19 This is one case where , again , I make the point that I am proud to stand here and support the policies of the Adam Smith Institute which every Tory Member should also support , but unfortunately they are afraid to do so because they are facing a general election , knowing that they will be out of power within six months .
20 If an asylum claim that is not justified under the United Nations convention is to be the means of obtaining settlement in the United Kingdom , we need at the very least to explain , particularly to the minority communities legitimately settled here , why their friends and relatives who would like to come and join them are not allowed to do so because they told the truth when they made their applications , whereas others who are prepared to make an unfounded asylum claim can remain indefinitely .
21 But in reality , most of us lack the ‘ positive liberty ’ to do so because we are too poor .
22 We can see why Michael was to be admired ; but Michael 's son , who left for the town , was forced to do so because his father had to find money in a hurry and would not sell his land .
23 His father told him he had never come closer to disobeying an order in his life , but he was finally persuaded to do so because it was pointed out to him that if the British Army did not send back the Cossacks , the Soviets would not send back British POWs .
24 I was quite sorry to do so because I liked the manufacturing process very much indeed , but I do n't believe you can be both a manufacturer and a retailer .
25 ‘ It was obviously right to do so because I was never corrected . ’
26 But I might not wish to do so because I might believe it to be wrong to buy an Italian car for one reason or another .
27 They do n't and to be dramatic they 'd be very , very silly to do so because I would take any step to avoid that happening .
28 When the Minister made it clear a little more than a year ago that he was changing his attitude towards the Government of Syria , he said that he was able to do so because there was no known connection with terrorist organisations , such as that involving the appalling man , Jibril .
29 Hayek wishes to do so because he is not simply a traditionalist and is seeking to harness his insights to the task of providing a modern , rational reconstruction of liberalism .
30 He must have decided to do so because he took on an apprentice the day after he was freed .
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