Example sentences of "[to-vb] so [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Downing Street could n't turn down this gift horse for fear of offending the President but at the same time , they had nowhere for him to go so since March , Maxat , a champion racehorse , was stuck in these Turkmen stables waiting impatiently , getting flabby and fractious .
2 Perhaps the best known version is Shakespeare 's seven ages of man which is a poetic statement of what had already been received wisdom for centuries and was to remain so for centuries to come .
3 Under existing arrangements , individual governments can withhold subsidy payments under national support schemes but they do not have the power to do so under CAP schemes .
4 ( 1 ) A licensing board shall give reasons for arriving at any decisions mentioned in section 5(2) of this Act when required to do so under subsection ( 2 ) below .
5 The function of this argument was to suggest that , although the local authority may have had power to institute civil proceedings in its own name under section 222 , it had no duty to do so under section 71(1) .
6 A voluntary mental patient may , if able to do so without assistance needed by reason of mental illness , made a declaration stating where he would otherwise be residing , or has resided , and be registered there .
7 As he wrote to Eulalia , abbess of Shaftesbury : ‘ I am so harassed in the archbishopric that if it were possible to do so without guilt , I would rather die than continue in it ’ .
8 He exhibits a number of adjectives which differ in precisely the way required while maintaining the same or essentially the same lexical value ( we modify his examples slightly where it is possible to do so without damage to his case , so as to make the distinction sharper ) : ( 19 ) visible stars vs stars visible the only navigable rivers vs the only rivers navigable a handy tool vs are your tools handy ? guilty people vs people guilty As it happens , the examples which Bolinger uses employ words which can make the distinction a rather subtle one , with perhaps the exception of visible stars ( a group recognized astronomically ) beside stars visible ; but it is quite easy to produce further instances which seem to confirm his view : ( 20 ) a complaining visitor vs a visitor complaining the eligible bachelor vs the bachelor eligible In other cases , the divergence of lexical value between the two positions may be greater but still with the characteristic value for the former , and the occasion value for the latter : ( 21 ) the responsible man vs the man responsible a sorry sight vs the girl is sorry He notes that the acceptability of an adjective in pre-adjunct position may apparently depend on whether or not it can be regarded as indicating a relatively enduring characteristic of what is expressed by the noun , as in : ( 22 ) the faint girl vs the girl is faint an asleep man vs a man asleep This possibility of course depends not only on the adjective itself but also on the nature of the noun being qualified , so that " when one scratches one 's head the result is not *a scratched head but when one scores a glass surface the result is a scratched surface " .
9 I urge all Opposition Members who have not paid their poll tax to do so without delay .
10 By ignoring the complex natural course , however , they mistakenly assume that , because waiting times are often considerable , children who present with effusion have had glue ear for some time and will continue to do so without treatment .
11 I have a battle to win and would ask only that I am given the chance to do so without intrusion in my private life .
12 Clockwatching has no place and everyone is expected to work as long as is necessary to do the job — and to do so without complaint .
13 So that if you say to a primary teacher ‘ Here 's a new toy , here 's a new idea , why not try it ? ’ then they 've got the opportunity to do so without sort of dramatically changing things .
14 The party ultimately having to make a payment will look for ways to postpone that event for as long as possible , and will be able to do so without risk if there is no interest provision .
15 Most people affected by HIV have an inner need to make sense of the experience of living and dying and to do so with hope and creativity .
16 The fact that he felt no temptation to do so with Berowne interested him .
17 As the Children Act waits , poised for implementation , it remains to speculate on how significant and successful it is likely to be : and it is tempting to do so with benefit of hindsight in the context of all the discarded child care legislation of the past forty years .
18 Ferrari had the temerity to do so with Lauda , another remarkable talent , and Niki did n't put up with it .
19 The components are of magnitudes 4.4 and 5.7 , and since the separation is almost 44 seconds of arc it should be possible to see them individually with × 20 binoculars , but I have never been able to do so with certainty .
20 Macmillan flew to meet Kennedy in the Bahamas determined not only to obtain Polaris but also to do so with safeguards for its " independent " use .
21 And when you come down , remember to do so with dignity , so that Dom João will not be thinking that he is betrothed to a tinker 's daughter . "
22 He had carried his bat through the innings , the first to do so for England at Lord 's , thus winning another campaign medal of note .
23 Peter was still feeding from her , and would continue to do so for months .
24 The union did everything possible to convince the government that this had done no more than mop up previously persistent unemployment in the industry and to persuade its members to join their ships , and to do so on time , so that their departures should not be delayed .
25 ‘ A rule compelling the critic of official conduct to guarantee the truth of all his factual assertions — and to do so on pain of libel judgments virtually unlimited in amount — leads to a comparable ‘ self-censorship . ’
26 To satisfy Moore 's requirements an activity has somehow on the one hand really to somehow matter , and on the other hand not to do so on account of anything ordinarily thought of as of practical use .
27 And in fact , if we are able to negotiate a loan , to buy the new premises , we should be able to do so on terms which would enable our repayment of the loan to be comparable with what we are currently paying , an and would expect to pay in rent .
28 Many more women sought separations after the passing of the 1886 Act , which allowed them to do so on grounds of the husband 's unwillingness or inability to maintain , although in practice the legislation provided them with little material assistance .
29 ‘ Voluntary groups are providing the services already and there 's no reason they should not continue to do so on behalf of the SSD , he says .
30 Lilley said they had no plans to do so at present , but everything would be looked at in the review .
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