Example sentences of "[to-vb] so [adj] a " in BNC.

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1 Finally , how did John Finnegan — known to be close to Smurfit — who was involved in both the UPH and Telecom purchases , fail to alert so important a client ?
2 Anyway , it was the sort of remark that provoked Salman Rushdie 's wrath in the Independent on Sunday : ‘ To see so diverse a list dumped on people who simply have n't read the books is to make one feel a kind of despair about the culture of denigration in which we live .
3 The bomb-bay of a Mosquito was too small to accommodate so large a bomb , and they had to carry them slung underneath the fuselage with the bomb doors open .
4 ‘ Still , ’ hissed another mask , ‘ it would have been a shame to lose so bold a partner in this enterprise of ours ; and of His Supremacy 's .
5 But I must resist the temptation to treat so serious a matter with levity .
6 He found that 51.96 per cent of those in ‘ primary poverty ’ were so because the chief breadwinner was ‘ in regular work but at low wages ’ ; 22.16 per cent of primary poverty was due , in modern terminology , to ‘ child poverty ’ , i.e. the family had more than four children and insufficient income to support so large a family ; 15.63 per cent to ‘ death of chief wage-earner ’ ; 5.11 per cent to the illness and old age of chief wage-earner ; 2.83 per cent to ‘ irregularity of work ’ ; 2.31 per cent to unemployment .
7 Today even more reduction has taken place : now the more pedantically-minded geographers dispense with talk of any subdivisions , perhaps hesitating to diminish so mighty a feature of the globe by paring it apart and apportioning its sections hither and yon .
8 It was miraculous to find so young a girl , of Juliet 's own age , with a depth of passion which could by rights only have belonged to an older woman ; the problem of casting the ideal was solved .
9 It is a shock , no doubt , to find so humanistic a writer denigrating Renaissance humanism , which he saw as philistine and obscurantist : the New Learning , he believed , created the New Ignorance .
10 ‘ I ca n't help thinking it must be huge to punch so big a hole in the star field . ’
11 In one of his letters to Gould in Australia , Prince writes , ‘ I and Joseph are both much pleased to hear so good a report of Gilbert .
12 It may be that to choose is to distort so protean an entity .
13 HOW did Grigori Yavlinsky , an economist who works as informal adviser to Boris Yeltsin , come to play so large a part in the aid-for-economic-reform debate ?
14 After basic religious toleration was conceded in 1689 , the dissenters turned their back once and for all on Anglicanism and went on to develop the distinctive spirituality which was to play so dynamic a role in the revolutionary social and economic changes of the next century .
15 Most of the time sensible princes deliberately took steps to avoid so chancy a business .
16 Leaving a dozen men under Ollokot to besiege Gibbon , Joseph led his people south at noon , hauling the wounded on travois and noting sadly : ‘ The Nez Perce never make war on women and children ; we could have killed a great many women and children while the war lasted , but we would feel ashamed to do so cowardly an act . ’
17 Of course he needed to finance so improbable a research programme , so he sold his dragons to an Emperor , who had them minced up and served to him garnished with spit-roasted swallows ' tongues , at one of his less important banquets .
18 The party ones in Germany are reluctant to consider so awkward a matter : almost anything you say is liable to embarrass the particular group of politicians you have to worry about .
19 The substitution of the word ‘ aware ’ may not be enough to dislodge so strong a preconception , but it should help .
20 On the way back there is a glorious view ahead of the Five Sisters : if only to witness so lovely a scene , this detour within a detour is worth the extra half-hour .
21 In any case , is it feasible to deliver so large a quantity of hydrocarbons to the required point ?
22 You have to pay so much a week
23 Difficult as it is to summarize so majestic a body of work as that produced by Hailey in the days when he reigned supreme as the Colonial Office 's oracle on Africa , it seems fair to say that the main impression to be derived from it is of his anxiety to avoid committing the British government to any course of action which might prove to be irreversible .
24 Did they have to have so tight-packed an audience , with the front row so close to the dais on which he was sitting that he could positively feel their stupid gawping eyes on him ?
25 When in 1777 there were minor tremors in Manchester , he observed — not without a certain satisfaction — ‘ There is no divine visitation which is likely to have so general an influence upon sinners as an earthquake . ’
26 It 's well to have so rock-like a certainty .
27 The first they saw of the village may thus have been the dilapidated thatched cottage called Gilberts or Gilbards , which , improbable as it would have seemed to Coleridge in the fever of Pantisocracy , was to have so important a place in his later history .
28 Moreover , experience shows that imprisonment for more than about ten years is liable to have so deleterious an effect on the prisoner that longer detention should be avoided whenever possible .
29 There was not time to have so complicated a measure thoroughly discussed in both Houses in a single session .
30 No later writer could afford to ignore so well-placed a source .
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