Example sentences of "[to-vb] what [be] in " in BNC.

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1 Such an exhortation was meant to encourage adolescents to accept what was in effect an ideological belief , namely , that ‘ any service for which payment is accepted , however humble it may be , is to be regarded as a service to the community and to be conscientiously performed . ’
2 Some people need to know what 's in food for health reasons .
3 The taxpayer paid for it and the taxpayer is entitled to know what 's in it , ’ he said .
4 They 've got to see you sign the will or at least acknowledge it and in practice see you sign they do n't need to know what 's in the will they just want to see you sign but they 've got to be there it 's no good up the road as one witness did for not for me to her husband who was working in his shop witnessed the signature afterwards .
5 If you go into a pub today and buy a pint of beer , a coke , a low alcohol lager and a packet of crisps , you have a right to know what is in all those products except the beer .
6 The resident has a right to know what is in the plan , and the staff of the Home will put it into practice .
7 Bluntly stated : an enquirer into ‘ the mind ’ has to know what is in his own mind and why it is filled in the way it is .
8 We still need to know what is in that contract or we need to find out whether there is anything peculiar , and I mean illegal , about Harley 's putter .
9 ‘ You wanted to know what was in Angela 's will — the one we 're going to prove , that is .
10 And er they used to determine what came through , they used to really , you know what came over the Bridge , all picketed and er they 'd want to know what was in the van and everything and if the er trades council said , No it 's not coming , it did n't come .
11 It was almost as though Joanna and Helen were thinking along similar lines , and she longed to know what was in their minds .
12 All too often they have to guess what is in the minds of their teachers .
13 And we feel that both of those policies combine to establish what is in effect a presumption against erm any form of significant employment development away from the the county 's main settlements .
14 Bruner starts by leading children to discover what is in their own heads , and describes a lesson on sentence structure .
15 Although big advances in multibeam sonar and improved positioning equipment allow detailed surveys to be made , the only way to find what is in the deposits is to drill cores .
16 ‘ There have to be considerably greater concerns to displace what is in reality the right of a parent to have their child living with them . ’
17 If she withholds beyond their as yet limited capacity for tolerance , their continuing rage seeks only to destroy what is in her .
18 Hiller , who did some of her early studies in anthropology , adapted a crypto-scientific attitude to create what is in effect a modernist celebration of female fertility .
19 While de Gaulle did not find it difficult to detect what was in the air , there was little that he could do to influence Allied planning directly .
20 It also reflects the frequently ignored reality that our ability to predict what is in our own best interests is always less successful than actuarial ( or statistically-based ) prediction ( Meehl , 1954 ) .
21 Chamber of Trade chairman , Dick King , told the Chamber of Commerce annual general meeting : ‘ I believe it is basically wrong for membership subscriptions to finance what is in effect a benefit provided for the town , and enjoyed by many other businesses who do not contribute a penny to the upkeep .
22 did you ever raise with him back in January nineteen eighty eight something that you and Mr had both raised before , namely that what goes into the brochure is not to be relied on you 've got to look at the solicitors correspondence , to interpret what is in the brochure , did you ? , did you ever raise that with Mr the solicitor 's correspondence ?
23 ‘ Why , since you allow us to share what is in your sack , did you not allow those others ? ’
24 They stated that none of the background reports or assessments had been carried out , and stressed that these are fundamentally necessary in order to determine what is in the children 's best interests .
25 If the child has the capacity to understand what is in the documents this must be explained to him .
26 Try to understand what 's in people 's minds ; because when you understand that much better , you 'll have that much better a chance of making profit .
27 I mean , those , if the members of the parish organizations are going to read what 's in the parish magazine with the greatest interest
28 And that 's where we need to contact what is in the pipeline
29 The Commission 's brief has not been to consider what is in the best interest of art dealers nor whether the royalty is a useful means of helping artists .
30 However , I 'm sure everyone around the table will be conscious that one of the things the panel has a duty to do is to consider what is in the light of national guidance .
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