Example sentences of "[to-vb] been [adj] by " in BNC.

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1 Sitting by her bedroom window later that night , Laura lectured herself for having been so naïve as to have been upset by the remarks he had originally made on the dance-floor .
2 Unlike most other musicians , he did not seem to have been impressed by Louis Armstrong 's seminal appearance at the London Palladium in 1932 .
3 Eliot , who was putting ‘ Tartar horsemen ’ in his poetry in 1924 , seems to have been impressed by this passage .
4 Bernard could not fail to have been impressed by such spontaneous enthusiasm ; equally , Peter felt Bernard was ‘ obviously a man of excitement heading a most intriguing company , I could see that he needed someone to deal with the administration leaving him free to run his company . ’
5 Late in his reign , the Shah was even said to have been impressed by the liberalizing efforts of King Juan Carlos in Spain .
6 Ministers are said to have been impressed by what they regard as the success of privately-run prisons and want to extend the scheme to other parts of the criminal justice system .
7 Aid workers in Somalia , including those with UN agencies , were widely reported to have been dismayed by the prospect of a US-led military intervention .
8 Nevertheless , some of the tension which existed between the police and black communities in the 1960s appears to have been relieved by an increase in the number of elected black politicians and their moderating influence on police policy : ‘ The growth of elected and appointed black people in the political system means that racialist and violent police behaviour comes to be more and more criticised and highlighted ’ ( Kilson , 1987:59 ) .
9 Perhaps he guessed as much : certainly he seems to have been surprised by the success of the play.s But that success was more or less assured : his reputation and authority were such that those who went to the theatre went , as a matter of course , to see Eliot .
10 But Chancellor Kohl appears to have been startled by suggestions that his letter to President Mitterrand last week implying an intention to go slow on EMU might have been inspired by a desire to play the German unity card in the West German general election next year .
11 Ceauşescu 's obsession with numbers ought to have been satisfied by the overmanning which already existed in Romanian industry which could not really provide productive employment for the existing population .
12 Although it is conceded that a ‘ decline ’ occurred in a few trades , reformers are said to have been confused by terminology and to have failed to distinguish between ‘ deskilling of individual jobs and industrial changes which led to the number of jobs in certain industries or occupations declining either relatively or absolutely , but not to the nature of the job themselves changing ’ .
13 Well , he seems to have been conspicuous by has absence in respect to these things .
14 Cool-headed and light-hearted about life , Zeelenberg is not the sort of man to have been worried by the doubters .
15 Twelve manors , a vill and four hamlets held by subjects on the west side of the Severn from Newent in the north to Lydney , Alvington and Aylburton in the south were named : they were said to have been afforested by John , and so were claimed to be free of the Forest law .
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