Example sentences of "[to-vb] his [noun] because " in BNC.

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1 And most people were willing to accept his leadership because the rewards were so great : it was exciting : it was the size of the thing , the scale he brought to it . ’
2 He is resentful that no aid was given to him — another villager was given 3,000 rupees to repair his house because , says Kirtana , he knew the local member of the Orissa state parliament .
3 As he pushed them open , they made a great scraping noise and Endill had to cover his ears because it was so loud .
4 ‘ The wards were full and a very enthusiastic doctor said that , for the first time , he could use his training to help his patients because he had immediate access to vaccines and medication , ’ reports Robins .
5 A VILLAGE pub landlord looks set to leave his business because of crippling rent rises .
6 The conservative Bishop Day of Chichester was unable to extend his authority because of the weakness of the episcopal machinery and the relative isolation of his palace outside Chichester .
7 Well has got to have something to do has n't he ? to justify his job because I mean he 's talked to in the past , he 's talked about everything .
8 Speakers included Prins Gunasekara , a Sri Lankan politician and human rights lawyer , who thanked Amnesty International for its efforts in helping him to flee his country because of death threats .
9 So if you approach a sympathetic , but so far neutral , person and start telling him that he ought to give his support because of x , y and z policies he is likely to be bored and irritated .
10 Frankenstein was encouraged by his other teacher , Waldman , to pursue his studies because Waldman thought it would help mankind .
11 But even though it did in a campaign where he was one of Tottenham 's top performers , Venables has been unable to keep his word because of chairman Alan Sugar 's attempt to oust him from the club .
12 The protests flew thick and fast that McMillan should have been allowed to keep his crown because he was , mystifyingly , three rounds ahead on two judges ' scorecards and , more realistically , one in front on another .
13 I found a friend from Fulham Church , a qualified Chemist who had been allowed to keep his shop because of its value to the community , and the fact that he had an invalid wife .
14 The Bild newspaper accused Charles of being a hypocrite and said a man who refused to divorce his wife because it would ruin his ambition to be king must have ‘ ice-cold blood ’ in his veins .
15 Even in the last of the great satires , The Loved One , about California burial customs , Waugh had to watch his step because he was relying so heavily on dollars to pay the school fees and keep him in booze .
16 The allegory peaks in the scene where Mason meets a mad artist who wants to paint his portrait because he has ‘ the eyes of a dying man ’ .
17 He left home on the word of promise ; he was prepared to sacrifice his son because God said so ; and his trust in God was estimated in terms of relationship to God .
18 She wanted to see his eyes because they mirrored his moods .
19 Thompson was forced to reshuffle his side because of injuries , work commitments and one player missing the team bus and indeed the manager had to name himself as one of the substitutes .
20 At the weekend the prime minister , Giuliano Amato , had to reshuffle his cabinet because of the resignation of his finance and health ministers , not the first time that cabinet members have left the government in disgrace .
21 Later , ladies were forbidden to attend his lectures because of his shocking views and he resigned ( though it is not recorded if he missed the ladies or just their fees ) .
22 If someone had got up a petition for that bloke who refused to pay his ticket because the heating did n't work , I would have signed it .
23 On Saturday , Payton fluffed a simple chance then regained his composure to score the goal that ensured victory and finished up having to change his jersey because it was stained with the blood of a cut that required him to go off temporarily for stitches .
24 Yet addiction specialists scoff at the notion that someone who already faces death through overdose or through contracting Aids from hypodermic needles is likely to change his behavour because of a drug test .
25 I gave him a frown and told him to mind his manners because I was n't sure what the old lady 's reaction would be to my brother .
26 His job was to convince Amaldi to pack his bags because there was a ship waiting at Naples to take him to the United States .
27 The Development Corporation of Harlow New Town made a flat available , but unfortunately he had little opportunity to make his mark because of recurrent illness and eventually resigned his post in September 1958 .
28 So effective was our penetration into Olympia that despite repeated attempts , Mosley was unable to make his speech because of the noise and the fighting between his stewards supporters and the anti-Fascists .
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