Example sentences of "[to-vb] not just [art] " in BNC.

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1 As The Very Model of a Man is full of angels and story-tellers — two essential ingredients of ‘ magic realism ’ — there is clearly a strong hint that Jacobson is attempting to rewrite not just the Bible but our contemporary literary orthodoxies , which are in danger of assuming the status of a surrogate religion .
2 Thus , we need to know not just the shape of the pre- and post-distributions but also the location of families within the distributions .
3 This was true of the declared intention to establish not just a common commercial policy once the transitional period had been concluded , but also of objectives which were to be sought during the transitional phase : a common transport policy , free movement of workers , and a common agricultural policy .
4 The original position seems to presuppose not just a neutral theory of the good , but a liberal , individualistic conception according to which the best that can be wished for someone is the unimpeded pursuit of his own path , provided it does not interfere with the rights of others .
5 Efforts should be made to preserve not just the facades but a substantial part of the interior as well , and possibly the whole building .
6 Our special guest Adam Faith , he 's in Alfie , which is at Nottingham 's Theatre Royal on the twenty eighth of March next year and the box office has just opened so can actually er go there to see not just a performance I think , not just a play , but something of an event .
7 But as it turned out the solution was to prove one of the biggest problems of all , mainly because Taurus aimed to accommodate not just the users in the shape of the institutions and individuals which buy and sell shares , but also those with a vested interest in the existing system — the banks who make considerable money from their roles as registrars and custodians .
8 By Nov. 4 Demirel was reportedly contemplating a temporary alliance to this end , to include not just the SHP but also the Islamic fundamentalist Welfare Party ( RP ) .
9 In a poem like the ‘ Express ’ I believe we are dealing with a very involved , indeed fanatical , view of the journey , movement and stately presence of a train which seems to overpower not just the author himself but also the very universe and natural world in which it exists .
10 If you are losing children do spend time with the dissatisfied parents to explore not just the event that has brought the situation to a head but dig deep for other areas of dissatisfaction , hostility or conflict .
11 A Radio News Network will offer the space to answer not just the whats but the whys of contemporary events .
12 As with every other technological innovation , they may attempt to protect their ‘ inventions ’ which means after altering the genes , they could slap a patent on it , making it possible to own not just an idea and a technique , but the matrix of a living animal .
13 Yes I think it 's fair to say at the moment that , that , that is being looked at Mr Trotter , together with er the broader range of issues on the er the operating concept er for E F two thousand but it is of course standard practice to buy not just the number you need for the front line but to buy sufficient aircraft to keep that front line in field for about twenty five , thirty years , whatever the life of the aircraft happens to be , taking account of er attrition , taking account of training requirements and engineering needs and support needs and all that kind of thing and all that work er is , has been done , is being done at the moment and er final figures will be put to that in in due course .
14 The company considers Germany to be a particularly key market , and during the year Psion GmbH broadened its customer base to cover not just the corporate market , but also retail outlets .
15 The American lawyer had offered ( according to the Cuban government ) a total of $443,000 , but further stipulated that this sum was to cover not just the refugees on the St Louis but also 150 Jews on two other ships .
16 The first three chapters of The Form address themselves chiefly to the solitary religious , pointing the contrast between the reality of inward holiness and the outward appearances — " habett of halyness " ( 3.94.39 ) — a term which seems to cover not just the clothing but the outward practices of piety , fasting and abstinence .
17 Contrary , then , to some of its more overreaching definitions , postmodernism itself could be said to mark not just the cultural effects of a new stage of ‘ late ’ capitalism , but the sense of the loss of European history and culture as History and Culture , the loss of their unquestioned place at the centre of the world .
18 When I went there in 1987 , after my journey to Auschwitz , it seemed somehow facile , an instrument of propaganda that used the horror of what happened in Auschwitz and Treblinka and all the other camps to justify not just the existence of Israel but all that Israel has done since .
19 Today , of course , the test of love between men would be their willingness to share not just a toothbrush but also a razor .
20 So she 's given you those to practise not just a C and then a K but show both as one making sort of one sound like in back and lock
21 That overriding concern is why we have to have not just a property tax but a new and different property tax that is fraught with novel and unpredictable difficulties .
22 The Commission was to have not just the right to initiate and recommend policy to its executive partner , the Council of Ministers , but also the task of ensuring that the provisions of the treaty and policies emanating from the Council of Ministers were carried out by the other institutions and the member states .
23 He believes we are at a deeply significant turning point in human history and if we are to come through it we have to change not just the way people behave , but also the way in which they think .
24 The thing that makes British museums and galleries so exciting and unique is that , unlike American ones , they have a duty to collect not just the high spots of any period , but the average , sometimes even the bad , works of art which represent the context from which the great works of art arose .
25 During the summer NAM successfully renegotiated a new fifty year lease on their site — no point truing to cement their future with a display hall if someone was going to move not just the goalposts but the pitch .
26 For the Archbishop 's commissioners , partnership needed to mean not just a link-up between business and the public or voluntary sectors , but a conscious attempt to meet the powerlessness felt by the ‘ people in the street ’ ( p. 186 ) .
27 Tramway , Brook mused , had come to mean not just the bricks and mortar of a disused tram shed , but a place for human beings to create .
28 To prove not just a mutual love of music but a mutual love of each other Kylie and Dannii sang a duet together at an Australian anti-drugs concert — the song they sang was appropriately called ‘ Sisters ’ .
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