Example sentences of "[to-vb] with his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The prisoner was forbidden all human rights , to communicate with his family , to be represented by a lawyer , to protest against the torture , or even to be put on trial .
2 It was also during this period that primitive man undoubtedly arrived at the time when he was able to communicate with his fellows with developing abilities more effective than those available to the rest of living creatures .
3 It has been suggested , from an evolutionary point of view , that language may have arisen out of primitive man 's use of manual gestures to communicate with his fellows ( Hewes , 1973 ) .
4 41 ) serve materials and components , and data processing computers serve clerical systems , the new office technology serves Man 's needs to communicate with his fellows .
5 Ali was never allowed out , but managed to communicate with his brothers by shouting .
6 They did not seem to square with his experience of real people ; there was something inhuman about Godwin 's conclusion that ‘ the virtuous man , in proportion to his improvement , will be under the constant influence of fixed and invariable principles ’ .
7 No half day Saturdays , half day Saturdays , yes and then er I , I used to stay waiting for mother to come and my sister er to do the shopping in Willenhall cos they would n't shop anywhere else , and then erm my brother used to come with his cycle and er I used to carry a lot of the shopping back and my brother used to push a lot on his , on his cycle and mother and my sister used to stay down and have another walk around , but we 'd got to walk it back I 'd come back on the wagonette so or just after the buses started but er I 'll never forget the first time the bus ran it was pouring with rain and my sister was standing in front of me and she 'd got a new mac on and of course we were getting very wet and there was a scramble to get on the bus and the lady in front of her had got a bag of flour and of course the bag burst and went all down her
8 Comic set to tour with his heroes
9 He 's come to meet with his backers . ’
10 Erm , you will remember that after the last meeting we were going to have a meeting with Mr which we , which we subsequently did have and we put forward several erm possible uses for the old hospital , including re-siting of the library , relocation of the council offices , police station , day centre for the elderly , day services for the physically disabled , for young mothers and children centre and for a mental health services centre and he was delighted that we had the meeting because he has to meet with his superiors late in December , early January , when he has been asked to put forward ideas .
11 From the age of eight onwards he was allowed to dine with his parents at the Bonaparte family dinners which took place every Monday at the Tuileries , and occasionally at more formal dinners which were held in the Galerie de Diane .
12 As he disrobed in the vestry , Quentin paused more than once , glancing at the closed door , as though expecting the boy to appear with his smile .
13 With his position slipping badly in the opinion polls , he took a gamble by electing to appear with his wife on a prime-time television current affairs programme , on Jan. 27 , in order to address the charges .
14 Despite the damage to his Sierra which toppled slowly onto its roof after climbing a bank , Gilleece is hopeful of also being in Cavan where Andrew Nesbitt is expected to appear with his BMW M3 .
15 For a number of weeks he was unable to train with his colleagues , but in the past fortnight he has been able to step up his training .
16 For a number of weeks he was unable to train with his colleagues , but in the past fortnight he has been able to step up his training .
17 In the final instance the golfer could simply refuse to work with his agent , who would then be faced with the problem of whether to sue his erstwhile client — a very expensive , long-winded and unsatisfactory process .
18 He went straight back on to the mat to work with his judo partner of a decade and more , Brown .
19 Even before the pathologist had finished at the scene and the head was wrapped , the hands mittened in their plastic bags , even before Doc Kynaston got to work with his scalpels , the corpse would be an exhibit , more important , more cumbersome and more difficult to preserve than other exhibits in the case , but still an exhibit , tagged , documented , dehumanized , invoking only interest , curiosity or disgust .
20 Because he he liked to work with his hands .
21 He can play , if Wallace was more inclined to work WITH his partner they might strike more times ( he 's a selfish git ) .
22 Oh , very very big , he explained and stepped away from the end of the table to indicate with his hand where the tail would have been on this particular specimen .
23 Mr Parsons had turned to stand with his back to the fire , the eternal male hogging the best place in the room .
24 Maurice 's fists were clenched , his features contorted ; he got up from his chair and went to the window to stand with his back to the room .
25 Nor could he bring himself to stand with his back to the fire escape .
26 Continuing to stand with his back to her , he stared silently down at the muddy green waters of the River Thames for some moments , before turning slowly around to face her .
27 ‘ Anything — just as long as it contains a strong dose of alcohol ! ’ he told her crisply , continuing to stand with his back to her , frowning down at the irritatingly silent machine .
28 Her waist was still slender enough to span with his hands , her eyes were full of mystery , and her control of the situation was admirable .
29 And the traditional Conservative chairman 's bash at Central Office may have to go on without the chairman : Chris Patten , busy in Bath , may not get back in time to drink with his team .
30 Nonetheless , the king was expected to consult with his tenants-in-chief ( the earls , barons , and leading churchmen of the kingdom ) in order to discover and declare the law and to have their counsel before any levies of extraordinary taxation were made .
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