Example sentences of "[to-vb] with [noun pl] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 You may think that I am too harsh and write with lack of sympathy for the children , expecting them to struggle with concepts which cause greater minds a great deal of thought .
2 Therefore , at present , it is wise to design to work with systems which are likely to be available in schools in the near future , though options requiring extra facilities may sometimes be explored .
3 Bubbling with enthusiasm , Fr Cunningham , 80 , said it was the opportunity to work with children which prompted him to accept the latest offer of as a ‘ first step to retirement ’ .
4 Dolomite is often distinguished from calcite by its failure to stain with solutions which react with calcite ( see below ) .
5 Although they are often listed in London or Luxembourg , this is largely in order to comply with regulations which bar some institutional investors from holding unlisted securities .
6 It claims that the normal way to establish that a person has authority over another person involves showing that the alleged subject is likely better to comply with reasons which apply to him ( other than the alleged authoritative directives ) if he accepts the directives of the alleged authority as authoritatively binding and tries to follow them , rather than by trying to follow the reasons which apply to him directly .
7 For smaller firms there will be exciting new opportunities to liaise with colleges whose training facilities are being restructured as realistic working environments for the purpose of assessment of competence .
8 The Young Engineers Clubs aim to encourage a greater number of Scotland 's more able youngsters to continue with subjects which give them the option of tertiary education in science or engineering .
9 Females prefer to mate with males whose territory contains a shady place to build the nest and rear the young .
10 It is clear that not all pupils will , by the age of 16 , be able to cope with texts which combine all such dimensions of difficulty .
11 There are some transitional arrangements to cope with designs which had been registered on or after 12th January 1988 but prior to the more rigorous standards now applicable ( that is , prior to 1st August 1989 ) and which would fail to be registrable subsequently .
12 Mental health services must be able to cope with individuals whose mental disorder is so severe that the person creates serious disturbance or threat to others .
13 I admit that there is something absurd in the notion of machines built around the simple rigour of Boolean logic having to cope with words whose spelling in some cases derives from Dr Sam Johnson 's incorrect etymology .
14 Many students , teachers , educationalists , and examiners like to deal with things which can be classified as clearly right or wrong , and perhaps this is one reason why they have favoured an atomistic approach to foreign language learning , for communication is hard to assess , whereas isolated levels like grammar and vocabulary are much easier .
15 Before 1970 it was largely left to the Weights and Measures Departments of local authorities to enforce those statutes which gave protection to the consumer of goods and they often took the view that they had no competence to deal with complaints which did not indicate a possible breach of the criminal law .
16 There is a notion that philosophy ought only to deal with matters which are absolutely universal .
17 The approval last year of a mechanism to deal with doctors whose performance is consistently poor was greeted by most observers as a step likely to sustain self regulation ( although at least one former member of the GMC disagreed ) .
18 The case was seen as demonstrating the legal difficulties involved in using the judicial system of unified Germany to deal with cases which occurred under the East German legal system .
19 This was primarily an attempt to deal with synonyms which can not be conflated by a rule-based stemming procedure .
20 Make provision to deal with enquiries which may arise from members and where necessary refer exceptional enquiries to The Engineering Council in accordance with agreed procedures .
21 Areas of critical population density continue to co-exist with areas which are relatively under-populated .
22 In order for work on ritual to become really educational , it would be necessary to share with pupils what the functions of ritual are .
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