Example sentences of "[to-vb] with [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It will be a vision of success from which everyone profits , a vision which the Profitboss has developed over many years , a vision in which he passionately believes and is able to communicate with enthusiasm to his team and every other employee in the organization .
2 Take this opportunity to come with Travelsphere to China — one of the last great travel experiences .
3 The overall guiding role of the party was therefore likely to meet with resistance at some stage and there are signs that this indeed happened increasingly in the post-Stalinist period .
4 These are likely to meet with opposition on the grounds of spoiling favourite views .
5 Unfortunately , this would be certain to meet with opposition from the landlord .
6 But writing now was not easy for him : he had begun to suffer with arthritis in the year following his retirement , and had had to give up his violin owing to lack of flexibility of his fingers , and as the condition developed , he found writing more and more difficult .
7 There is a clear trend for the number of older people reporting a home visit to increase with age from 18 per cent of those aged 65 — 69 to 62 per cent of those aged 85 + ( Figure 7.11 ) .
8 She was about to commiserate with Rose on her unfortunate circumstances when Rose proudly said , ‘ We 're ever so lucky to be'ere Sally-Anne , wiv the ‘ ole grarnd floor to ourselves — not like them upstairs what only ‘ ave one room . ’
9 More-over , the effects of imitation on performance seem to differ with respect to phonological abilities and grammatical abilities .
10 The thousands of varieties of European shirts may differ in terms of button types and collar lengths , but they remain recognizable as shirts as opposed to garments used in other cultures for an identical functional purpose ; and this is because the manufacturers , as it were , agree to differ with respect to these specific and limited dimensions .
11 But you can get an idea of what each gene does by comparing the bodies of two organisms known to differ with respect to a certain gene .
12 It is easy for a well-fed English-woman like myself to shake with anger about the futility of war , to protest about the iniquity of racial prejudice and to deplore the helplessness of little people in the face of vast political forces fighting for power .
13 Homi Bhabha , in a significant essay arguing the urgent need to re-engage with Fanon in and for our own time , shows why .
14 From October 1 1989 , the Tax Inspectorate will consider candidates aged up to 52 who want to train with pay as Tax Inspectors .
15 When arranging the decor it is useful to work with water in the tank , as the visual effect will be different .
16 On Monday , 8 September , Coleman got to work with Asmar in his office at Karintina .
17 The Secretary of State urges teachers in England and Wales to work with commitment towards the improvement of standards in education , within a legal framework .
18 ‘ I 'd always wanted to work with Mutt Lange ; I 've actually tried to work with Mutt since 1984 , but he was always busy on a project , but he wanted to do it and it was the right time for both of us .
19 Kylie was also keen to get away from the mass-produced soap to work with material of a more sophisticated calibre .
20 Fleming continued to work with penicillin as an aid to the isolation of bacteria in cultures all through the 1930s .
21 But small British booksellers will be able to sell with VAT at the British rate ( i.e. zero ) .
22 This book is not designed to engage with exposition of doctrine though it will inevitably point to its importance ; rather it attempts a mode of appreciation of these texts to help readers , whether or not they have prior knowledge of the subject , to respond to them as literary witnesses to a life of faith understood as a game .
23 If that point , which coach Douglas Morgan had amplified repeatedly in last week 's aftermath , still needs re-inforcing , the coach was at least able to reflect with satisfaction on the birth-pangs of Scotland 's try .
24 If that point , which coach Douglas Morgan had amplified repeatedly in last week 's aftermath , still needs re-inforcing , the coach was at least able to reflect with satisfaction on the birth-pangs of Scotland 's try .
25 It depends upon their conceptions of how they ought , or would be best advised in their own interests , to behave with respect to these top-management definitions of their duties end obligations , their rights and privileges , and their relationships to the material technology , to higher authority , and to each other ’
26 His strong , demanding fingers interrogated the lymph glands in my neck and armpits while Kenneth , now able to converse with authority on the subject , told him about John Habeshaw 's visit and our newly-arrived-at decision to visit Stanford University .
27 The provisions of this act require a president to consult with congress about any commitment of American troops abroad and oblige him to withdraw those troops within 60 days ( with the possibility of a 30-day extension ) if a declaration of war is not forthcoming from Congress .
28 It is true that Robert Harley ( now Earl of Oxford ) and Viscount Bolingbroke seemed to flirt with Jacobitism in the period 1710 – 14 , but they were never sincere , and their actions must be set in the context of their attempts to rally disparate groups of Tories behind them in their own personal struggle for dominance within the party .
29 This interlude with Penry Vaughan on Gullholm would be something to remember with gratitude as a sort of enchanted no man 's land in between .
30 As her confidence grew , Constance began to talk with animation about her job at Maison de Levantiére , life with Louise and even some of her difficulties with her mother .
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