Example sentences of "[to-vb] that it [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Some institutions , such as Mitsubishi Bank , are doing well to worry that it might .
2 It has had to accept that it can do neither without a deal with the opposition .
3 Most sceptics about natural selection are prepared to accept that it can bring about minor changes like the dark coloration that has evolved in various species of moth since the industrial revolution .
4 When my hon. Friend is discussing rights , I ask him to accept that it should be emphasised that a guillotine gags Parliament and many others outside .
5 We 've been brought up to know that it ca n't last and we 're deeply suspicious of what we disdainfully see as decadent ‘ beach bimbos ’ .
6 Obviously , not all elderly parents who live alone are in need of a great deal of assistance : they just like to know that it would be available if they wanted it .
7 If in addition promises were made , as it seems they were , of helping to boost wage rates , and if particular grievances were also thrown into the package , it is not necessarily paradoxical that women should have agreed both to the five-year ban on entry ( they were not to know that it would really be a permanent one ) and to the assigning of all new machines to men .
8 Suppose that I claimed yesterday to know that it would rain in the afternoon , on the normal grounds ( weather forecast , gathering clouds , etc. ) , but that it turns out that I was wrong .
9 He contemplated eating a meat pie at the stall by the church , but he had enough experience of phantom hunger at night to know that it would disappear of its own accord by morning and that it was best not to squander money on appeasing it .
10 ‘ And before they spend vast sums on the publicity launch , they 'd like to know that it wo n't be too much for you . ’
11 ‘ I have been in tennis long enough to know that it can .
12 And this means that if on the same grounds I claim today to know that it will rain in the afternoon , I must continue to assert that I knew yesterday that it would rain that afternoon ( in the teeth of the evidence ) .
13 They have to want to pass on information , have to trust that it will be taken seriously , and have to be given appropriate decision-making powers .
14 Having been warned off Channel 7 by Pannells , he contacted the Institute only to find that it could not approve the service .
15 The present unsatisfactory state of the law relating to VAT could mean that VAT paid by the tenant may not be recoverable , and therefore the tenant should consider amending such a provision to provide that it will only pay VAT on such sums where it is first presented with a valid VAT invoice in the tenant 's name .
16 This is by no means the end of the matter , because the Council still intends to pursue its objectives by other means , but it certainly seems to indicate that it may be having second thoughts about the project 's viability and/or its acceptability .
17 This paragraph seems to indicate that it may be possible for a person who has received information in confidence which he could have obtained through other sources to relieve himself of the 'special disability " under which he is otherwise placed by going to those sources .
18 Lot seventy does not have a horn with it but Lot ninety two , the good news is it does have a reproducer er Lot one hundred and eleven should have a black dot against it to indicate that it will be removed from the premises if not cleared within the stated time Lot one seven four is withdrawn one nine one the estimate should read eight to twelve hundred and finally Lot one nine eight is withdrawn .
19 Also , his experience of the frequently inept English resistance doubtless caused him to guess that it would eventually weaken to the point where he would be accepted as king .
20 If we think about Freud and his influence it is not hard to find out what he wrote and said , and it is easy to guess that it must have been important .
21 The first duty of the conqueror , he wrote , ‘ is to maintain his domination and to assure that it will last ; everything is good which has the effect of consolidating and guaranteeing it , everything is bad that may weaken or compromise it ’ .
22 Yet the first indications that London was soon to show explosive growth were already present , and it did not need much foresight to see that it would not be long before any green-field site chosen near London for the location of the College would soon be engulfed in bricks and mortar , which would sweep away hay- and grazing-fields , market gardens and brickfields alike .
23 thank you um , it will be quick ah one of the things which caused distress last year was the reduction in the for sixth formers and I was sorry to see that it would n't be restored this time .
24 Elrond 's adamant refusal to take the Ring is because he has considered its advantages but is wise enough to see that it would ruin him utterly .
25 One merely has to read its wording to see that it can not be given any sensible meaning in a context such as the present , where the mind and will of the defendants are also treated in law as the mind and will of ‘ the other . ’
26 In all the cases examined with full verbs , the bare infinitive has evoked what could be termed a coincident actualization , and its event is not represented as beginning to exist in time before that of the main verb , as depicted by this diagram of I watched him cross the street : This does not exhaust the expressive capacity of the bare infinitive , however , as we are going to see that it can also express what we will call coincident potentiality .
27 Yet it did not require much imagination to see that it could only be one thing : the so-called " rice-water " fluid from a cholera patient , which Dr McNab claimed was so deadly .
28 She had been determined to see that it should .
29 There is a famous passage in which he invites us to acknowledge that it would be better that a world of which no one would ever be conscious should contain beautiful objects than that it should contain ugly objects .
30 As to the presumption , Mr. Philipson , while prepared to acknowledge that it would apply to the reasonableness test , submitted that it did not apply when considering whether the Bank of England was acting in performance of its functions .
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