Example sentences of "[to-vb] that [pron] will " in BNC.

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1 Access to files sometimes leads people to worry that they will be sued if the record contains unprovable statements .
2 This is to request that you will send me no more goods unless ordered .
3 Eventually politicians and the general public will have to accept that there will never be full employment again , and will have to provide a living for those unlikely ever to get jobs .
4 ‘ So Rickie Crowninshield is an irresponsible idiot , ’ Ellen said coldly , ‘ but you ca n't run society on the assumption that everyone is a retard , and you have to accept that there will be casualties in a free society .
5 It is obvious that a horse will run from a stick , spurs or fear of the rider , but it is hard to accept that he will try to pull on the bit if that very action increases the pain .
6 Life is killing us moment by moment , and until you are humble enough to accept that you will never be truly aware .
7 The double windows , divided by twin columns , are the most pleasing thing in the room , with simply sculpted capitals , of a demon , the head of Christ , animals , birds , stars and flowers ; these , like the door between them , once gave on to the cloister , and it is nice to know that they will do so again , once that vital adjunct has been rebuilt .
8 It is extremely gratifying to know that we will have a knowledgeable and committed environmentalist in the House of Lords on whom we can rely for help whenever the need arises .
9 I do n't need to read it through to know that there will be no mystification here , no hint of distress or depression , no trace of weariness or unusual hair colour , no premonition of ruptured aorta or broken ribs .
10 Just for a child to know that someone will be interested in her work or to have the opportunity to do something for someone else and know it will be appreciated can significantly change the child 's attitude to the task .
11 And this means that if on the same grounds I claim today to know that it will rain in the afternoon , I must continue to assert that I knew yesterday that it would rain that afternoon ( in the teeth of the evidence ) .
12 We want you to know that you will always get a fair deal when you book with us .
13 Employers need to know that you will be reliable and responsible when you are at work .
14 My dearest Victor , I am so happy to know that you will soon be home .
15 When I last looked , Stephen Edell was the Building Society Ombudsman and it may not cheer the Woolwich to know that he will be getting a copy of this .
16 He needs to know that he will be listened to and taken seriously .
17 ‘ I 've seen him play often enough to know that he will do a good job for us . ’
18 And what most of the analysis misses is that reports such as this will accelerate the process , persuading those that do n't want to downsize that they will soon have little alternative as vendors put mainframe lines onto care and maintenance .
19 And what most of the analysis misses is that reports such as this will accelerate the process , persuading those that do n't want to downsize that they will soon have little alternative as vendors put mainframe lines onto care and maintenance .
20 They have to want to pass on information , have to trust that it will be taken seriously , and have to be given appropriate decision-making powers .
21 to take such steps as are necessary to secure that there will be available in connection with the use of the article at work adequate information about the use for which it is designed and has been tested , and about any conditions necessary to endure that , when put to that use , it will be safe and without risks to health . ’
22 to take such steps as are necessary to secure that there will be available in connection with the use of the substance at work adequate information about the results of any relevant tests which have been carried out on or in connection with the substance and about any conditions necessary to ensure that it will be safe and without risks to health when properly used . ’
23 I used to tell trainees that it was their first aptitude test to see if they could make it over Stamford Street ! ’ was not too upset to find that she will have to devise a new aptitude test from the summer .
24 The present unsatisfactory state of the law relating to VAT could mean that VAT paid by the tenant may not be recoverable , and therefore the tenant should consider amending such a provision to provide that it will only pay VAT on such sums where it is first presented with a valid VAT invoice in the tenant 's name .
25 Request a " series of QDMs ' to indicate that you will be calling at frequent intervals .
26 Lot seventy does not have a horn with it but Lot ninety two , the good news is it does have a reproducer er Lot one hundred and eleven should have a black dot against it to indicate that it will be removed from the premises if not cleared within the stated time Lot one seven four is withdrawn one nine one the estimate should read eight to twelve hundred and finally Lot one nine eight is withdrawn .
27 One other critical feature of the present situation for maintaining the ministry of the word should be mentioned : it concerns the study of the biblical languages ( Hebrew , Aramaic and Greek ) and those of the classical ancient versions , at a level sufficient to assure that there will be enough scholars able to serve as fully competent exegetes and , therefore , as active tradents of Tradition .
28 The first duty of the conqueror , he wrote , ‘ is to maintain his domination and to assure that it will last ; everything is good which has the effect of consolidating and guaranteeing it , everything is bad that may weaken or compromise it ’ .
29 Its hard to see that there will be much demand for it at that price , but AT&T Co has introduced a phone called Picasso Still Image Phone , which enables people that both have one to transmit television-quality colour still images over standard phone lines while still talking to each other — but it costs a cool $3,300 for one ; Picassos will be installed at 39 Marriott convention hotels under an agreement with Washington , DC-based Marriott Corp and AT&T is looking into co-operating on image technology with Eastman Kodak Co — the phone , designed mainly for advertising , design and photography agencies , will work with the Kodak 's Photo CD system .
30 Does he further agree that it is sheer hypocrisy to oppose privatisation in principle and to promise more nationalisation , yet to claim that there will still be privatisation proceeds to spend , as did a Labour Front-Bench Treasury spokesperson this morning ?
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