Example sentences of "[to-vb] that [pron] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 It is surely not being excessively pompous to see this as one sign of a trivialisation of European civilisation , or to accept that there has been a catastrophic spiritual impoverishment of national life when a country such as our own , which once thought of itself as Christian , can for the most part simply ignore today 's commemoration of Christ 's passion and death .
2 It should also be stressed that it is perfectly possible to have reservations about , or even to reject , both these schools , and yet to accept that there has indeed been a major shift in the economy and geography of the UK since the mid-1960s !
3 And he refuses to accept that he has a bad boy reputation which goes before him with officials .
4 Man himself has to decide on the nature of ‘ goodness ’ , and to accept that it has to be found within the life on earth as it actually is .
5 What is it to claim authority or to accept that someone has authority over one ?
6 Bearing in mind the hon. Gentleman 's interventions and today 's debates in the House , he may like to know that there has been yet further strengthening of the regulatory system in relation to the services to which he objects .
7 ‘ They have a basic need to know that someone loves them , but some of these children are not secure about who they are and who loves them .
8 In spite of all this secrecy , I happen to know that it takes the form of a humorous catalogue of my supposed states of mind , arranged from one to ten like the Beaufort Scale .
9 After that claim it is good to know that it has a — precision quartz movement ’ that rotates the hour , minute and second discs .
10 ‘ And now it 's a wonderful feeling to know that it has enabled me to look at the top guys knowing there are only a few ahead of me .
11 The Labour party does not like to know that it has been rumbled .
12 But I know me own daughter well enough to know that she does n't want to lock herself inside a convent for the rest of her life .
13 If it makes you feel any better , you may like to know that she 's been telling me that our separation was all my fault — because I was too proud to climb down , or admit I was in the wrong .
14 And it is important , for an understanding of Janey 's changing attitude to the boys , to know that she has been told their story .
15 And viewers will be pleased to know that she intends returning to our screens after a short spell of maternity leave .
16 I do n't want to know that he says .
17 ‘ But really I just want him to know that he 's got to do a bit of work , that he can walk , that he can get around . ’
18 Richard Cocco Senior at the Palisade Music Company would like the bass playing world to know that he has developed the first 4-wrap low B bass string , as part of the R. Cocco 5-string bass set .
19 Yet he so influenced or anticipated what was to come that he remains still the great point of departure for modern Protestant theology .
20 Whilst what is meant by ‘ organised backlash ’ is never made clear , it is probably not unreasonable to infer that it implies that it occurred after 1968 and within a limited historical period .
21 I shall be taken to implicate that he has only fourteen and no more because had he had twenty , then by the maxim of Quantity ( " say as much as is required " ) I should have said so .
22 First it is necessary to establish that one exists ; if there is no intersection the lever does not pass through the cover and is therefore an incorrect arrangement .
23 The more distant in time an issue is to current industry concerns , the more difficult it is for managers to establish that it applies to their business in some significant way ( relevancy ) and that it should be addressed now ( urgency ) .
24 In order to give the House of Lords a more effective role in the governmental process ( and in order to buttress its position against the threat of abolition ) there is the recognition that it needs to secure increased public support , and in order to secure that there has been the dawning realisation that changes are needed in the composition of the second chamber .
25 The applicant is required to certify that he has taken nature conservation into account when implementing his scheme , even though the average farmer can not be expected to be capable of assessing such impacts .
26 It may sound strange to be pleased to discover that one has made a mistake , but it is , in fact , one of the most exciting things for a social scientist to discover — one really feels that one has found out something that went beyond what one might have expected through ‘ common sense ’ reasoning !
27 As my week-long stay in LA unrolls , I begin to discover that everyone has decided views about Arsenio .
28 The horror depicted in Kafka 's Metamorphosis , in which a man awakens to discover that he has become a large insect , invites comparison with the norms of women 's existence — her passages from childhood to puberty , from mature womanhood to menopause and old age ; her experience of pregnancy .
29 We were soon to discover that he specialises , not only in deft , on-the-spot sketches , but also in brief pungent descriptions with much use of cunning metaphor .
30 It is a good idea to turn the main stopcock off and on once or twice each year to keep its mechanism free and not wait for an emergency to discover that it has jammed open .
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