Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pn reflx] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He only wants to see the child enjoy herself with her friends . ’
2 I 'm surprised that the police should trouble themselves with what is surely no more than cheap journalistic spite .
3 7 Do not ingratiate yourself with your class or you 'll begin to lose their respect .
4 Before Charles could give an order to his platoon , in which he could identify himself with them in such a disagreeable manoeuvre , the new Company Commander continued to pursue the military solecism of humiliating an officer in front of his own command .
5 But so extreme was the sodomite 's construction that most of those actually engaging in ‘ homo/sexuality , did not identify themselves with it ; not only did they not have our modern categories , but the prevailing categories were so tar removed from how they saw themselves , that apparently the connection was not made .
6 A positive United Kingdom approach — good for Britain and good for Europe — could win us partners and allies at Maastricht who could support Britain 's positive proposals , could associate themselves with us on proposals by others that we oppose , and could be counterparts in the give and take involved in any negotiation .
7 ‘ When sport is trying to come to terms with economic reality , I can think of one area in the business which will say as a result of this that they can not associate themselves with it — sponsorship .
8 ‘ When sport is trying to come to terms with economic reality , I can think of one area in the business which will say as a result of this that they can not associate themselves with it — sponsorship .
9 May I associate myself with my right hon. and learned Friend 's comments about the injuries of people on the train ?
10 But she could not really see herself with whatever it was : vase , or rug or necklace , trying to sell it .
11 I have been out with a couple of people , but I ca n't see myself with anybody else but Keith .
12 In the two months before he assumes power , Clinton must familiarise himself with what is really going on in Northern Ireland .
13 Such words do occur , however , in historical writings and you must familiarise yourself with them .
14 So nothing to do with pets really , just put up with the hope or you can always take yourself with you miaow spreading the .
15 He would not bother himself with it now .
16 All this was made so that he might obscenely observe himself with his favourite women .
17 As chairman , Hussey should content himself with what he does well — making speeches defending the BBC 's independence and licence fee .
18 He can indulge himself with whichever other women attract him , but you 're to remain for his exclusive use , keeping yourself unencumbered , ready and available for whenever he has a whim to renew the relationship ? ’
19 You may position yourself with your back to the wall , choosing the place giving the best possible view of activities , so that no one will approach from behind .
20 ‘ Hast thou not read in the message of God , ( the Koran ) : ‘ Do not cast yourselves with your own bands into destruction . ’
21 Give granddad glass so you do n't hurt yourself with it .
22 ‘ But I can not compare myself with him and I would n't want to .
23 Or let him damn himself with his own words ?
24 Because even if Antoinette did n't exist Rohan would n't involve himself with me — at least not seriously .
25 Then if the wife displeases him he can distract himself with her little slave . "
26 I have to make sure I do n't electrocute myself with my cup of tea
27 Yes , you could make music on one but that would be sacrilegious considering all the other exciting possibilities that it has to offer : eg. killing fascists ( Woody Guthrie ) , saying sorry ( Billy Bragg ) , as a firelighter ( Jimi Hendrix ) , for clubbing amplifiers senseless ( Pete Townshend ) , for levelling stage floorboards ( Ritchie Blackmore ) , as a mini-TV stand ( Billy Gibbons ) , to stimulate groupies ( Steve Vai ) , to cream yourself ( Hendrix again , that infamous Tokai advert or even that sad figure in the current Trantec Systems advert ) , as a shop sign ( Original Flying Vee ) , as a cricket bat ( Ian Botham with the Staccato magnesium bass ) , as a baseball bat ( Steinberger XL ) , you could use one to kill her mama ( like Frank and Dweezil ) and , if you are still bored after all that , you could electrocute yourself with it through your dangerously hot-rodded stack .
28 We need not concern ourselves with its detailed definition , though it is precise enough for those in the know .
29 We know of such things , but we do not concern ourselves with them .
30 Burun Khan may have told you that we know of such machines , but do not concern ourselves with them .
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