Example sentences of "[vb infin] [been] look for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Look for balding , bearded men , ’ I nearly said — but he may not have been looking for precisely that variety of technical person .
2 ‘ What do you think they could have been looking for — the people who ransacked her cottage ? ’
3 She must have been looking for me because a few seconds later she spotted me and came over .
4 But no one else would have been looking for it .
5 Mr Stein would have been looking for chefs , receptionists , back-room staff , chambermaids , gardeners , laundry workers , bar staff , waiters … ’
6 ‘ He sounds just the sort of keen , experienced youngster I would have been looking for .
7 He must have been looking for the keys .
8 And the car was such a mess nobody would have been looking for a sawn brake cable . ’
9 ‘ The irony is that I did n't realise till Christmas , when I knew I loved you , that it was someone like you I should have been looking for all these years since . ’
10 Master Thomas said they must have been looking for people , not things , and thought you should be warned , so … ’
11 The only difference is that I suppose er at we have er which is development in North Stockton , we have er erm permission for four hundred erm executive dwellings which is the sort of er market which you could have been looking for at in the past .
12 Bristol had previously been heavily involved in the Iceland trade , but had been coming under pressure from increasing Hanse power there , and its merchants may well have been looking for alternative supplies of fish — it is worth stressing that the ships sent out in 1481 in search of the ‘ Isle of Brasil ’ were carrying a large quantity of salt ( 45 , pp.188–9 ; 94 , pp.177–82 ) .
13 Saying that they were playing very deep , but Im sure Wallace would have been looking for those balls and giving the player in posession that option .
14 He must have been looking for bathroom .
15 Must have been looking for a house .
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