Example sentences of "[vb infin] [indef pn] that [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 No I do n't think there were , there might have been one or two , yes I do know one that used to make some form of er something for the saddlery trade and you know those houses opposite the alms houses in Road , there are some alms houses on the one side , then there 's some houses that lie up steps on the other side of the road if they 're still there .
2 Well if you , all I was going to say is , if you 're going to get something like that , I mean we could buy something that would make a set .
3 ‘ You mean that you do know something that may help them ? ’
4 It is Joan and Ted 's hope that even now someone may know something that can solve Brian 's murder .
5 The shadow cabinet has agreed that while Labour must oppose the Government on various aspects of the treaty , it should do nothing that would lead to its fall .
6 So if we can do something that may trick the would-be burglar into thinking there 's someone in , then he may well go somewhere else .
7 And also I could n't do something that might jeopardise Rob 's marriage to Heather . ’
8 Or perhaps one might just narrow it a bit further than that and say well let's see how history is going in the first two years , or the O level history course , or something like that , and we would discuss well given that all these different people are involved in history or have a stake in it in some way , or are interested in it , and given that you 're only going to have a very limited amount of time to do anything in , how can you do something that would be genuinely useful to the school in looking at the history teaching and something that would have the support of the people involved so that it was n't threatening anybody but they felt there was something being genuinely helpful .
9 Why do n't you do something that will get you somewhere , Karim ? ’
10 Let's do one that might sound .
11 She must never ever do anything that might make them fight .
12 Arseholes , I would n't , I would n't do anything like that , I would n't do anything that might hurt
13 If there is any iron law of bureaucracy it must be that such organizations will not willingly do anything that may be against the organization 's perceived long-term interests and that , on occasions , this will lead the organization to ignore its nominal masters .
14 Editor , — Allyson M Pollock and Azeem Majeed 's arguments in response to our editorial on consultant episodes could perhaps be summarised as ‘ the internal market is intrinsically flawed and we should not do anything that would delay its demise . ’
15 I 'm a pretty perceptive person , I understand people quite well , but I never dreamt that my mother could do anything that would damage my daughter so greatly .
16 A true friend would not do anything that would enable the disease to continue but would instead take the difficult and risky path of totally confronting it , while still loving the sufferer , despite all the harshness that the disease will cause the sufferer to throw in return .
17 She was not going to say or do anything that would make John Major 's task more difficult : the Cabinet , here she indicated them with a sinuous wave of her hand , was the most brilliant since Herbert Asquith 's and , as for Central Office , and she looked directly at Sir Charles , who was mopping his brow , they were good men and true who strove mightily in the interests of the Party , and for precious little reward .
18 ‘ I still think you 're totally wrong , but I 'd never do anything that could endanger you — or the club . ’
19 I would welcome anything that would improve the legislation .
20 John would welcome anything that might put more criminals back in court .
21 The builders of these pianos may have seen the need for a check , but they did not provide one that would always prevent the hammer bouncing .
22 Certainly if we 'd see something that would do this afternoon , or New Drove today , that 's fine .
23 I think that the tour around the factory will be quick , but you may see something that will set your mental cogs turning again .
24 As I told Heather — But wait : you should see something that will add piquancy to a bald recital of what few facts are known . ’
25 ‘ We do n't like anything that might give someone the idea to stick a poor fish in beer .
26 All you can really do is construct something that will divert it or block its way for a while ; persuade it to do something it does n't really want to do .
27 Mother Francis did want everything that might help to push Eve up some kind of ladder .
28 Give me ten years and I 'll make something that can do it in twenty . ’
29 If there is one unchallenged law of personal computing it is that , given half a chance , they will make something that used to be simple into a completely bewildering nightmare !
30 He seems to be saying that we should open ourselves up to this possibility , and that if we do not do so , we may miss something that may ultimately be much more important to us than all that science is able to capture in its net .
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