Example sentences of "[vb infin] [that] they are " in BNC.

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1 He leant towards the young man now and , his voice dropping as if he were imparting a secret , he said , ‘ Do you know that they are one of the best brands sold by Harrods of London ? ’
2 Before doing so , however , governors should know that they are responsible for understanding , complying with and enforcing national health and safety regulations .
3 Mortality statistics , too , are not restricted to the unemployed : how do we know that they are not indicating greater health problems in the population as a whole during times of economic difficulty ?
4 They would know that they are free to evaluate the religious teachings of past generations and choose their own allegiance , and seek truth where they wish .
5 They will not know that they are doing so — but that is what will happen .
6 The following recipes are all very low-calorie while at the same time festive — your guests will never know that they are ‘ being good ’ thanks to your careful planning — unless you tell them !
7 If they are going to succeed , above all they should know that they are men 's equals and be relaxed about it , even in the face of quite blatant unfairness — which they will meet .
8 Most researchers start from the assumption that it is morally wrong to conduct research on people who do not know that they are being studied , and will therefore tell them at least that they are writing a book , even if they are not wholly frank about what the book is going to be about .
9 If it is accepted that we are in possession of logically adequate criteria of particular-identification , I do not see how one could deny that such criteria are ever fulfilled ; for how else would we know that they are indeed adequate ?
10 I work amongst the elderly and I do know that they are very shy about telling people just how poor they are .
11 " The Ingard board must know that they are nearly at the end of the road .
12 I 've worked in for 30 years and lots of us have worked for over 25 years and we do know that they are bringing in trainees in on higher salaries than ourselves , which obviously is quite upsetting when you 've worked a long time .
13 And therefore most people are , are , are so , you know , concerned about their , their particular out , you know , what 's going to happen , are , does their government know that they are there ? er What 's going to happen when they get back into India , Sri Lanka , Bangladesh , Philippines or , or Pakistan or wherever .
14 One very important thing for older people living alone is to let friends and neighbours know that they are ill , so that they can keep an eye on them and obviously you know , do the shopping and bring in any , anything that they might need .
15 No one who reads such books can doubt that they are composed by those who find novel-writing , in the most flattering sense of the word , easy : the sheer fertility of the school forbids any other interpretation .
16 my Lord is , I would respect that they are at liberty to apply generally
17 The inexperienced pilots often try to soar in unusable lift , and they concentrate so hard that they do n't recognise that they are drifting away and are not going to get back to the field .
18 Egg producers must recognise that they are competing in the sophisticated food industry of the late 1980s and that they have a responsibility to the consumer .
19 We must recognise that they are getting a raw deal and are being victimised by the Government .
20 While seeking to understand the opposition , the buyers should recognise that they are probably their own most formidable adversaries .
21 This means that they will recognise that they are not intended to commit themselves to all of the implicatures they had derived .
22 One major problem is that many people simply do not recognise that they are carers , and do not apply for help .
23 One of the main reasons for wanting one 's own basic beliefs to be infallible is that this would guarantee that they are all true .
24 While the County Council has noted these points , it does not consider that they are relevant to the definition of greenbelt boundaries .
25 Alternatively checks can be built into the system that restrict the availability of certain specific products unless the potential users can demonstrate that they are suitably equipped .
26 Unschooled children , if the evidence does demonstrate that they are being less explicit , may in fact be taking it for granted that the questioner can see what is being referred to so that there is no apparent need to be explicit .
27 ‘ However , I do think that they are a breed more for the connoisseur than for the average dog owner . ’
28 But the ear bones of toothed whales are heavy and quite rudimentary , and we do not think that they are very important in transmitting received ultrasounds .
29 They may think that they are realistically aware of what they are letting themselves in for and what they need to know about each other 's strengths and weaknesses .
30 Neither of these approaches is relevant to the Sonnets , obviously enough , but a third certainly is , namely the question of euphony , the difference between ‘ Do you think that they are threatening ? ’ and ‘ Thinkst thou that they threaten ? ’
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