Example sentences of "[vb infin] [that] this time " in BNC.

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1 She did n't even know his name but she did know that this time she was IN LOVE !
2 Well , of course , we ca n't consider that this time , because it 's outline so , so we ca n't , you know , you must con
3 But something about him makes me feel that this time he will do what he has said .
4 There may be some , but I would expect that this time sum , er or close to it , will be the final balance , and that , of course , will flow into the general balances of the County Council , and er , a one million pounds was allocated from the contingency , that finance sub-committee in October , to meet the price , er , to meet a prices inflation .
5 As the sepoys , sensing that heir chance had now come to abolish the feringhees from the face of the earth , massed for a great assault , the Collector could see that this time a giant wave was coming .
6 The second chest has an identical trap , save that this time the poison in the darts is Elfbane , and it has a second trap which will be activated only if the chest is forcibly opened .
7 He could n't say that this time cos he was i , he was erm , the guy in hospital .
8 If you forget to allow for the backspace time , you may find that this time margin has been reduced noticeably — the pan may even start before the backspacing is complete — and this will not look good on the screen .
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