Example sentences of "[vb infin] [that] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Did you know that as a member of Convocation you may borrow books from the Clifford Whitworth University Library and have access to the Library 's collections ?
2 If the hon. Gentleman followed that matter with any care , he would know that over the past four or five years we have steadily improved and made more generous the cold weather payments .
3 Now then er regular listeners will know that over the last couple of years or so we 've done some special listener trips for you er and we 've gone down to London .
4 When the Chancellor , Nigel Lawson , addresses the Tory party conference this morning , he will know that despite the appearance of support from the lady at his side , it she who is almost single-handedly responsible for the undermining of his policy and his prestige .
5 My hon. Friend will know that at the end of November we made a number of requests to the Government of Libya .
6 It did matter but we did n't know that at the time did we ?
7 Anyway , we do know that on the day he was murdered you were some distance away from Edinburgh , but it was a good pretext to arrest and detain you should you attempt to complain to your masters in London ! ’
8 All our lives , we shall know that behind the veils of the transcendent is a world of freedom waiting for us , with its meadows of delight .
9 But they did not know that in the beginning , as Mrs Irving expatiated in her cracked and gracious voice on the high brick wall which dated from the Civil War , and earlier still , which had formed one boundary of General Fairfax 's lands when Putney was a separate village , when Cromwell 's Trained Bands assembled there , when the Putney Debates on liberty of conscience were held in St Mary 's Church on the bridge .
10 We do at least now know that in the formation of the new foetus an equal number of chromosomes come from the male and from the female , and that a female is not a malformed male foetus : this is not a ‘ view ’ .
11 The hon. Gentleman will know that in the last year we have also cut interest rates seven times and halved inflation .
12 The hon. Lady should know that in the past 10 years exports of British manufactured goods have grown faster than those of France , Germany , America and even Japan , because manufacturing is doing so much better and needs our policies .
13 Did you know that in the Soviet cities every citizen has been provided with a gas mask ? ’
14 ‘ Do you know that in the mythology of Earth the concept of freedom only came into existence after male and female ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil .
15 Do you know that in the last twelve months er we 've produced or the office has produced , twelve hundred twelve hundred reports to committees at an average cost of six hundred pounds each and that 's just in officer time in writing them , nothing to do with the paper they were printed on , the cost of printing , the cost of distribution , the cost of our time to discuss them and our attendance allowance .
16 Those who take it ( and those who do n't miss a treat ) will know that in the best possible sense it is conservative .
17 Many of you will know that in the eighteenth century , Buffon had defined literary style as the order and movement which we impose on our thoughts .
18 But , however innocent his presence at Grandmont may have been , we do know that by the winter of early 1183 Geoffrey was playing a very devious game indeed .
19 ‘ We 'll know that by the new year , ’ John said .
20 I do not doubt that over the next 20 years the Community 's evolution will be as marked as it has been in the nearly 20 years since we joined .
21 Right , so that 's the digression over and done with it 's pretty fascinating stuff okay , you 'll you 'll need that in the in erm in your Q M project if you have to apply one to a particular problem .
22 Do they include that in the scheme , some of them on the rate , I wo n't bother with that anyway it 's not our problem
23 He 'd buy that from a cobbler 's shop , from a shoe repairer 's shop .
24 You 'll have a chance to come back on whether we have got the wrong impression on that , I mean I recall Mr Heselton 's quite clearly , but let me pursue that at a stage further if if we take that as our impression of what you have said collectively , and you are asked to make provision for nine thousand seven hundred dwellings , again collectively in the Greater York area , and I 'm addressing this question to the districts , what provision would you make in your districts of your district figure in the Greater York area ?
25 If he is really concerned to increase the number of homes available to rent , why will he not recognise that of the 700,000 empty properties , 100,000 are in the council sector and 600,000 are privately owned ?
26 If the Secretary of State does not recognise that as an example of two-tier lists , what will he recognise as such ?
27 I would not want today 's announcement to go by without underlining how important the contribution of renewable energy projects is to reducing the emissions that lead to global warming , and we should recognise that as an important environmental benefit .
28 That is why Jesus in St. John 's Gospel can promise that through the arrival of the Paraclete not only he himself will come back and indwell the disciples , but so will the Father ( John 14:17,18,21,23 ) .
29 A PART FROM a few dedicated individuals who preferred to do it the ‘ hard way ’ ( we 'll discuss that in a moment ) , the flying of a model helicopter upside down became possible with the introduction of the ‘ invert switch ’ .
30 No , this is in the you and Joanne would probably enjoy that in the museum play based on a book wrote by the guy who went
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