Example sentences of "[vb infin] [is] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The only thing I do know is that something must be done to get her away from here … anywhere . ’
2 What I do know is that whatever Mario says ( ‘ I do n't think he was too unhappy about it ’ ) or Colin thought ( ‘ The atmosphere within the team was the happiest I can remember ’ ) , that was not the way Ronnie saw it .
3 What we do know is that they can have extremely unpleasant effects .
4 What we do know is that they simply say it 's too far round er the diversion in distance terms is too long .
5 What I do know is that we owe a great debt to these doughty fighters of the past in banishing the menace of the Krooms for ever from this green and pleasant land .
6 ‘ What they do n't know is that we do n't look like that either . ’
7 All I do know is that we 're very conscious a great deal of money 's been spent by the Council and by the Trust to try and make the place outside more inviting those tubs been put there er they been planted etc there 's a lot of litter there we 've put litter bins there there 's taxi rank there there 's lot 's of things been put there I think the problem is it is n't the people who do that I mean it 's the people who actually do the litter and it 's quite clear that we do go out we do tidy up but it happens and it 's a case of balance of what we can do and what you ca n't do but we do work at it I can assure you .
8 It has to be possible to dream and speak the unthinkable , for the only thing that we do know is that we shall not know what tomorrow 's world will be like .
9 What most visitors who admire it do n't know is that its original home was the middle of Oxford town centre — just below Carfax tower — with traffic flowing around it from all directions .
10 ‘ What we do know is that he is delirious but constantly conscious .
11 ‘ The one thing I do know is that he will be at the inquest . ’
12 ‘ The one thing I do know is that he will be at the inquest into the death of L/Cpl Edwards .
13 He 's obviously an unfortunate athlete like Steve Cram , but the one thing I do know is that he is the best friend any vet could have !
14 What I do know is that it is disgraceful and defamatory to label as stooges the people from the Borough Community Relations Council who gave up a day 's work to act as observers , and who have made it clear that they would have reported whatever they had seen , good or bad for police .
15 If you buy a ‘ Rolex ’ watch for £50 , you know it 's unlikely to be genuine , but what you would n't know is that it may only be worth £5 .
16 What you do know is that it has caused you considerable hurt and pain .
17 All I do know is that it truly happened . ’
18 All I do know is that it seems someone here does believe that they still have an influence . ’
19 What we do know is that it is impossible to write any human being off as permanently damaged .
20 I do n't know what my future style will be but the one thing I do know is that I will keep on changing . ’
21 ‘ All they 'll know is that I am escorting a companion who is totally irresistible , and they 'll fall for you as I have . ’
22 Yeah , I said yeah I am , I said I 'm gon na drive up and see , so we got in , went up to Wendy 's , you could n't see through the door Pen , Penny and Kev said well we 'll drive round as well , I said well she 's had us up and down , cos one minute she was quite strong then the next she could n't cope , I said Wendy all I want you to ever know is that I 'm there , if ever you want me phone me , I do n't care whether it 's middle of the night , middle of the morning or whatever , so she says alright , anyway Penny went up , she said she could n't see anything she thinks she 's gone a bed and then me and Rudy went up , it must have been quarter to one cos I took him for a little walk and I got out the car and walked round the back and then , I could see her curtains were open and I could see a light on , so I went round the front and I shouted through the letter box , Wen it 's only me I 've come to wish you a happy new year , let's hope next year will be better than this one and she come to the door and she was broken hearted
23 What we do know is that his full conversion to Christianity released in him a literary flow which only ceased with death .
24 What you do n't know is that she saved my life during the war . ’
25 Well I think , I 've got ta say that I think it might be ha it might be working better now with there but when not there and we go to and say can you tell me where X Y Z is , the response you 're gon na get is I 'm sorry I do n't know and the reason she wo n't know is that she 's never bothered to ask because she 's not talking so it 's okay while there but it wo n't be when she 's not because I 've had that , sorry I do n't know .
26 ‘ The thing that people do n't know is that there was a horrendous gap in between .
27 What I do know is that there are thousands and thousands of people out there for whom life is intolerable , roughly ten a day actually succeed in killing themselves , how many more have a go we do n't know .
28 It seems to me that all of us in this chamber have at one time or another , wanted to actually spend money erm it comes programme of committees , I do n't think it 's behoved upon me at the moment to transgress on what programme committees are actually er but to predict exactly where they will want their expenditure to go but I do know is that there is a huge backlog of member generated aspirations in terms of the environmental improvements , traffic calming facilities , particulary which I suspect were actually generated mildly in excess of the figures which we have before us tonight which is why we clearly leave open that further bids against capital can be made in the course of the next three years , erm which will be assessed against the overall financial position of the council and I think the council much more than that .
29 And the only way I 'm gon na know is if I take it .
30 But the only way one of these snails will attack is if its soft parts are manhandled .
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