Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Time Lords are supposed to remain calm , ’ he told himself , ‘ but then again , I do n't want to risk being late to meet Mait , do I ? ’
2 Because it , it 's , it 's not particularly going to grab me because I 'm going to look at it and I 'm going to I 'm going to look down to see what it 's asking me do and certainly a busy news editor is looking down the line to see , and the first thing he 'll actually do is , is just have a , a very fast glance at it , find out what it 's about , and just make sure there 's someone who can be phoned , and what the news editor will do is actually throw it out into a pile of other handouts and there 's usually a journalist who 's , who 's who 's won first prize and their task for the day is to do all the handouts , and all you want to be sure of is that someone can make a phone call and the news editor wo n't , wo n't bother with any with any superfluous detail , all he 'd want to know is that somebody can be contacted , we 'll find out about it later .
3 However , as McKendrick has pointed out , increased spending on a greater volume and range of consumer goods does not need to have been general or even typical .
4 And you must understand : to appreciate the pessimism I feel today you would need to have been present when I formed the optimism. ,
5 The planning process that schools will need to undertake is cyclical and likely to include the following :
6 ‘ One thing we do need to stop is all this Doctor , Sister business .
7 Although , on the face of it , this might not appear to have been conducive to the development of industry-wide bargaining paradoxically such ‘ division by occupation promoted bargaining by industry ’ ( Phelps Brown , 1959 , p. 362 ) .
8 His judgement of the situation would appear to have been correct , for this was undoubtedly Oblt .
9 This pleasure would appear to have been remote from the adult satisfactions mentioned in the previous paragraph and is a manifestation of the ‘ joie de vivre ’ which is at the very heart of the urge for life , which is itself the product of ‘ desire ’ as introduced and discussed in the Second Period .
10 This point helps to explain why there do not appear to have been many actual dismissals for pilferage ( we assume that we would have been told if there had been an abnormally high incidence of these ) , but we would still have expected there to be some if pilferage has been common , particularly since store security is not under Fred 's control .
11 After Edward 's departure for England in 1274 Tany 's powers and authority as seneschal were carefully defined , but his rule does not appear to have been successful .
12 For neither of them did the medication appear to have been helpful and , in collaboration with their general practitioner , it was therefore stopped .
13 The degree of professional autonomy would appear to have been higher in the United States than in Britain , and the imbalance in favour of specialist medicine over general practice or family medicine greater still .
14 Indeed , confirmation of a satisfactory legal outcome would appear to have been apparent during December last year when the legal Director of the EC Commission , Mr Dubois , wrote to the Association 's Solicitors , stating , ‘ …
15 Clovis 's own action , however , does not appear to have been traditional .
16 However unsatisfactory the ancient idea of belligerent reprisals may be , the threat of reprisals does appear to have been effective in this matter ( Kalshoven , 1971 , p. 348 ) .
17 Hannon 's prognosis of the Act , that ‘ LEAs will be able to draw the line between the ‘ statemented ’ and the ‘ unstatemented ’ where they please ’ , would appear to have been accurate .
18 Swiftly a ‘ marriage bar ’ was introduced , though its application does not appear to have been universal in the civil service until 1894 when government typists ( hitherto an ‘ unestablished ’ all-female grade ) obtained permanent , pensionable ‘ established ’ status by agreeing to a rule requiring automatic resignation on marriage .
19 It is probable that one can not properly speak of such a thing as a career as a mufti in the same sense that one can of a career as a muderris or a kadi ; but to the degree that there does appear to have been some hierarchical gradation of muftiliks , it is worth emphasizing that these did not lead to the office of the Mufti , which rather , from the sixteenth century on , was approached by the route of the medreses , mevleviyet kadiliks and kazaskerliks .
20 There does not appear to have been any significant progress on this in the intervening twenty-four years .
21 There does not appear to have been any significant pressure from voluntary organizations or the public .
22 At the same time , you can see the domestic holidays the pattern 's less clear , but certainly there does n't appear to have been any growth .
23 There do not appear to have been any empirical studies which have looked for an increase in the amount of information reflected in share prices as a result of the commencement of trading in index futures ( except in so far as volatility reflects information ; see Chapter 13 ) .
24 There do not appear to have been any children ( none are mentioned in his will ) .
25 In the Fuqua case there does not appear to have been any problem of divisional interdependence , but this will not always be the case .
26 However , after a number of years of operation , the APU does not appear to have been conspicuous in its success : most of the background measures are of little use , and there are difficulties in relevant measures .
27 Such a condition was obviously inserted to encourage Cornishmen to make their contributions to the royal coffers , but its enforcement against individual landowners would appear to have been impracticable once disafforestment had taken place .
28 As for Constantine 's ‘ conversion ’ — if that is the appropriate word — it does not appear to have been Christian at all , but conventionally pagan .
29 As the numbers and grades of medreses increased with the passage of time , so also did the numbers and grades of mevleviyets , the term used here in the sense which would appear to have been valid , with minor qualifications , at least from the latter half of the sixteenth century , namely as comprising principally the kazaskerliks and the important kadiliks-the mevleviyet kadiliks — to which one moved on from the higher medreses and through which one moved , if one were fortunate , eventually to reach the kazaskerliks and , by the end of the sixteenth century , the Muftilik .
30 The second group of existing language skills I would like to address is that of the service providers .
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