Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb pp] to have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yes and you 'd 've had to have cancelled anyway would n't you ?
2 Very briefly , I would 've preferred to have seen a contract based on the end performance with the grass being cut to a structured length .
3 I would have hated to have gone home on Concorde as a loser .
4 I 'd have hated to have spoiled their fun . ’
5 So the experimenters are at the stage where they might just have expected to have seen one Zo .
6 For the next few years American audiences were shown aspects of their society that they could never have expected to have encountered at the movies and it must have struck at least some members of the public that film-going had become a more serious business .
7 So there would be no way in which different regions in the early universe could have come to have had the same temperature as each other , unless for some unexplained reason they happened to start out with the same temperature .
8 While the politicians and administrators who framed the Act would not have wished to have espoused the notion of the ‘ undeserving poor ’ they felt unwilling to risk the public criticism that would have resulted from an approach to poverty that involved ignoring the potential waste on the ‘ work-shy ’ and the fraudulent application in order adequately to meet the needs of the majority of applicants .
9 Cos that I must say that was the way in which we would have wished to have proceeded with the discussion .
10 He believed there was nothing that medical science could have done to have changed the tragic outcome .
11 So what could she have done to have got around him ?
12 At the time , the idea of a strong exclusive relationship was something that I did not actually want and I do n't think that even consciously at that time , I would have sought to have had that kind of relationship with David who was considerably younger than me and also , even though I was deeply into the whole scene and everything it represented , I do n't think I actually wanted to settle down with somebody who was a musician and was leading that sort of life style .
13 Conversely had we had the profits last year which would have generated taxable profits then we would n't have needed to have done that , so that 's one reason why it was not disclosed on floatations at the time and floatation was not regarded as an asset .
14 Size undoubtedly told against Dennis McBride while Terry Kingston would have needed to have played in all four Internationals .
15 She would have needed to have lain on the floor beside it and leaned into it .
16 I should n't think many men would have dared to have written it was all her then , in the first person
17 How it would have helped to have had Clause 10 to guide me , and the means by which to make my protest public .
18 It would have helped to have had something to read in the quiet of my own home , so I could know what to expect in the future .
19 ‘ If they wanted to keep out of trouble they would n't have bothered to have come to the police station . ’
20 In operational planning , the Declaration of Common Purpose , which Macmillan would have preferred to have called the Declaration of Interdependence , led to even closer relations between the British and American air forces .
21 I would have preferred to have lit torches but Benjamin was against this .
22 ‘ I would have preferred to have given them a run chase but I then decided we had to be positive and get whatever we could out of the match , ’ said Moxon .
23 Andrewes would almost certainly have preferred to have remained at Cambridge as a don , a life for which he was superbly fitted .
24 On balance he 'd have preferred to have seen them take on a top world fast bowler to ease the new-ball burden on him — as indeed they intended before negotiations with Australia 's Craig McDermott broke down months before the start of the season — but sees at least one advantage in having a star batsman rather than bowler .
25 i would have preferred to have seen different brands compared in the main text , which concentrates instead on a very personal and traditionalist viewpoint .
26 So did did they think they were doing themselves a disservice then when they , maybe when they amalgamated , or when they became part of the boilermakers , or when the boilermakers started taking in various trades to approach the employers as a as a a black squad unit for wage rises and conditions and so on , or did they they Would they have preferred to have done it themselves do you think ?
27 Consequently , some experimental predestinarians would only associate with sub-groups of the elect within the established church , while others like William Bradshaw would have preferred to have limited communicant membership of the visible , national church solely to the elect .
28 Ironically , there were some respondents who said that they would have preferred to have kept on working in order to remain healthy .
29 On the other hand , there were those who gave up work reluctantly and would have preferred to have kept on working , but for reasons of health or lack of alternative employment chose early retirement .
30 Shamir would have preferred to have formed a broad coalition government with Labour , but this became impossible for him in view of statements made by Labour Ministers suggesting that they supported contacts with the PLO , and in view of pressure from hardline Likud members such as Ariel Sharon to form a right-wing government .
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