Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb pp] [that] i " in BNC.

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1 You see I 've decided that I 'm going to leave Clinique the the expensive make-up er for some , you know until I get myself re-established financially .
2 He must have sensed that I was looking at him , he suddenly glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes and , still cleaning the mess tin with his finger , he said quietly , ‘ Why are you staring at me like that , Piper ?
3 So far , readers may have gathered that I am disenchanted with the credit scene in the UK .
4 He must have heard that I 'd come back from Ireland .
5 I must have recognized that I needed a change ; for no reason short of extreme exhaustion would have induced me to alter my plans with Eliot .
6 You must have realised that I resented him . ’
7 I really wanted to identify with him and wished that I could have said that I had been in the Falklands or in Northern Ireland , thereby establishing some sort of link .
8 The observant reader may have noticed that I used this construction myself above on p. 98 ; this was done consciously .
9 You may have noticed that I have not suggested any intensive practice specifically on vowels or their different combinations into diphthongs .
10 You may have caught me doing this some of you may have have noticed that I try to force meself not to and it 's something to remember .
11 He probably could have argued that I do n't belong in these clubs either , because I have n't got a soul/funk background .
12 Well if you 'd have seen that I mean I and she sleeps in the airing cupboard she 's now started to get in there , but she 's half out on the landing .
13 He and I have been friends for many years , so it may have helped that I was there to give him some confidence in the project .
14 Looking back , it might actually have helped that I was a bit blue .
15 ‘ I would have thought that I knew him fairly well , but in writing the lyrics I found depths I had never contemplated . ’
16 Almost as though she knew that Matey was thinking about her , McAllister looked up and said , ‘ I would never have thought that I would enjoy knitting so much , and the ladies ’ sewing circle , too . ’
17 You could not have thought that I had ever considered her as my wife .
18 However , if the hon. Gentleman had attended the seminar at which I made my remarks last Monday — I greatly regret that he was not there to hear me talk about delegation to the regional arts boards — he would have known that I made the point that if such delegation is fully successful — if the regional arts boards are progressing well — the question whether the five major national companies should continue to be funded by the Arts Council or be funded directly will arise .
19 I 've made some well some very big sacrifices especially early on in my career when nobody would have known that I was probably even in the country .
20 Outwardly it must have seemed that I had overcome my emotional difficulties and , apart from the mysterious phenomenon of my continuing thinness , had become a bright , helpful , well-adjusted member of the school .
21 He must have assumed that I meant trouble from the twins , for he suddenly became surprisingly loquacious .
22 If I had been able to see a copy of the local Communist party paper , I would have learned that I — with many others — had been unmasked as a conspirator and an enemy of the state .
23 The Israeli Mossad would have confirmed that I 'd been killed in Damascus .
24 When your dad eventually reached you he would have insisted that I marry you . ’
25 The fact that I wrote the book may have suggested that I spoke a lot about private things , but that is not really what I mean by privacy in one 's life .
26 I should n't 'ave said that I suppose cos you ai n't got no friends any more , 'ave yer ?
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