Example sentences of "[vb infin] [coord] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly we could 've or we could accept the status quo and and do what the county council 's suggesting .
2 There we would be , pistols at dawn and I 'd laugh or he 'd laugh and it would all be over .
3 In a trial each subject stands to benefit ( though in the event no benefit may arise or there may even be risk of harm ) , but in non-preventive or non-therapeutic research the experimental subject is simply assisting the researcher to obtain biological data — for example , how a particular drug is excreted .
4 Must eat or they will faint ; hungry empty feeling in the whole abdomen .
5 ‘ I must eat or I shall collapse . ’
6 Now I 'd like you to home in in relationship to whatever target you 've got there erm you can relate or you need n't , but that five thousand pound is the start point for fifteen percent bonuses .
7 rack for fucking plates , so I put them away and the best way to do it is if sit at the table , you wash and I 'll dry or I 'll dr you er dry and I 'll wash , well what
8 ‘ I 'd better go and help him unpack or he 'll bite my head off . ’
9 we , we can then come back to the court , erm as , as other orders which we would seek and we would seek an order for costs , erm clearly
10 The girls said some of them were on the pill , others were n't because their mams and dads do n't know and they dare n't go to the family planning clinic .
11 If you find a mistake , let your bank know and they will put it right .
12 ‘ If they do n't , let us know and we 'll get on their track . ’
13 Well , what do you think about the new pill ? do let us know and we 'll publish a selection of your comments .
14 And they used to say , some of them used to say er , If there 's anything you ca n't get , if you haven you ca n't get for us or have n't got , er just let us know and we 'll bring it with us .
15 If he starts creating harassment for you let us know and we 'll stop him .
16 If there are other specific requests please let us know and we shall endeavour to satisfy them .
18 If , due to unforeseen circumstances , you are unable to attend the performance booked , do let us know and we will do our best to re-sell your tickets .
19 If there is one in your street , please let us know and we will try and get it back into use again .
20 We do not know and we will probably never know why any particular settlement is placed exactly where it is .
21 Let us know and we can tell you more about it .
22 Let either of us know and we can send you details of where and when we are meeting etc .
23 I used to be Harry Maxim , then I was me and Jenny , and now I just do n't know and it 'll take more than lemon tea and a pink silk handkerchief in my sleeve and reading Goethe over breakfast to tell me .
24 Well our M O T guy , fair do you know and he 'll say so and so wants doing , can you take it away and do it ?
25 I did n't know and he used to say
26 It may be that like the other NCT groups people do not feel the need to attend for more than a few months ( ca n't stay a New Mum for ever ! ! ! ) and at the moment no one needs the MiE group I do not know and I would like to find out .
27 If there 's anything you want just let me know and I 'll do my best .
28 If you 've recently joined the NCT , or you have a new baby then let me know and I 'll put you in contact with another member who lives nearby .
29 If it 's too long for you , just let me know and I 'll find something shorter and a bit easier . ’
30 Anything you want , just let me know and I 'll give you a good price .
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