Example sentences of "[vb infin] [coord] [verb] me " in BNC.

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1 The only people who can hurt or compliment me are my friends
2 I was horribly afraid then that you must know and hate me for my disloyalty to Anthony . ’
3 One day she cried out to Angel : ‘ Why did n't you stay and love me when I was sixteen … when you danced in Marlott ?
4 ‘ So he can stay and assist me with my enquiries . ’
5 Although how we were supposed to be able to afford to rebuild , I had no idea , but whenever I queried anything he would just laugh and tell me to leave it all to him . ’
6 ‘ If I were to tell you ’ , I said , trying to look each one of them in the eye , which is not an easy thing to do with ninety-odd people , ‘ that Wimbledon was being invaded by alien beings from another planet , you would probably laugh and call me a lunatic .
7 When I 'm not happy every day , about the things I said today , she caught me being rude today , but I know , she 'll tell stories to make me laugh , she makes me laugh , makes me laugh , she 'll tell stories to make me laugh and to make me feel this bad , I love my mum , she 's the best mum in the world
8 My mum remembers long ago , when she makes snow men in the snow , and pulled a face at Mrs Jones , but I 'll know she 'll tell stories to make me laugh , make me laugh , make me laugh , she 'll tell stories to make me laugh and to make me feel this bad , I love my mum , she 's the best mum in the world
9 ‘ I thought people would just laugh and criticise me but they seem to like it my singing .
10 Did both conduct and teach me , how by it
11 ‘ Clare did n't see or hear me coming .
12 I 'll run and get me a minute .
13 ‘ He got a bit upset when the bowels did n't work and let me know it , ’ he recalls .
14 And if he ever decided to stay over when he had n't told me in advance , he 'd always ring and tell me where I could reach him .
15 And we 'll see if anybody knows then we 'll pass it on do n't you think about it now do n't you fret about it cos some somebody will have worked it out and will ring and tell me .
16 I wish I had a girlfriend who 'd hug and kiss me when I was going to catch a train .
17 ‘ Would you like me to dig too , or will you stop and make me a cup of coffee ? ’
18 Little is known of his early life except for his recollection that at the age of nine or ten he ‘ did so offend the Lord that He did scare and terrify me with dreadful visions ’ , and that he was greatly afflicted at that time with thoughts of the Day of Judgement .
19 Do you think you could try and tell me what you do remember ? ’
20 Do n't try and make me out to be some kind of embittered nut compensating for an unsatisfactory sex-life . ’
21 But do n't try and drag me down with you .
22 Old Stevenson would go spare if he knew , and I 'm not certain whether he 'd try and get me moved as a danger to junior staff , or you moved as a wicked woman .
23 ‘ Well , thanks very much , ’ said Dolly , ‘ and why do n't you try and get me a spare face as well , seein' you do n't like the one I 've got ? ’
24 ‘ Do n't try and sidetrack me … ’
25 ‘ Joanna Dungarvan , do n't try and kid me that with your imagination you have n't already picked your wedding dress ?
26 In Ditton 's study , the majority of offenders were dealt with quickly and leniently — ‘ Put that bloody loaf down ’ or ‘ Do n't you try and fiddle me ’ being examples of reactions .
27 ‘ Look , do n't try and push me into anything , Julius .
28 They 'd try and find me .
29 I fled back to the sitting room before they could try and kiss me .
30 But you can try and convince me , if you like . ’
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