Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pers pn] as it " in BNC.

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1 Karajan 's 1975 recording on DG is majestic , but it does n't excite me as it should , and I have to say that there are two performances I consistently turn to much more often : first , a Supraphon disc with the Czech Philharmonic conducted by Lovro von Matàcic , a rugged and unjustly neglected account which deserves a much wider circulation ( .
2 Well , no , I do n't know it as it happens , ’ said Caspar .
3 But the first thing that 's the first thing to bear in mind , the first thing to bear in mind of course is had our previous proposals in other years been accepted Mr Mayor we would need it as it were to make these cuts from this year .
4 they offered me two for a boat , right and they offered me one while I was there , then I got home and they offered me one that late that evening , job , erm working like that was a Thursday and they wanted me to start on the week Monday , I could n't do it as it happens I had to give my weeks notice here get out there that quick , so I fucking said , I said to myself well they 've first day , they 're gon na offer me a few more , so yeah they offered me a couple more but way from so , a bit unlucky I , I wished I 'd fucking taken it
5 So heavy it would crush you as it pushed from side to side .
6 We can see him as it were constantly restraining his inventiveness , constantly trying to conform to an orthodox view against which his thoughts and emotions rebel , constantly trying to justify Chinese intelligence by dragging it a little nearer to some Western precedent .
7 I mean , the Anaglypta we 're painting looks lovely , but as I say you can re-paint it as it goes
8 Mm but I , I mean I can use it as it is now but anything else on to it I would find it difficult .
9 I will really miss it as it is very good .
10 Well surely you could measure it as it went from one to the other ?
11 In affording to them immunity from suit if they have acted in good faith in compliance with a legal or moral duty or in protection of a legitimate interest the law must take them as it finds them .
12 Although self-image does not obsess me as it once did , my interest continues and I find it exciting how fashions and looks have changed ; how many more possibilities there are for creativity and self-expression via clothes and image .
13 I 'll just take it as it comes .
14 Now I feel comfortable in my halfway position , and I will take it as it comes . ’
15 So you 're filtering it before it goes in the machine and still we 're saying , why do n't we filter it as it comes out the machine , before it goes back in the tank .
16 By reacting in this way , Jane is able to stand back from the situation and it can not hurt her as it used to do .
17 so , so I mean we can review it as it goes
18 Erm I think we 'll leave it as it is .
19 He says that they should leave it as it is .
20 putting a skewer in it or shall I leave it as it is ? you know .
21 I 'll leave it as it is I think because
22 All we have to do is tell it as it actually is and then trust the people themselves to decide .
23 erm which should be , you know , enough , but again if there 's a problem then my phone number is on your collection card which is there and I 'll come out and re-stock you as it were
24 You might want it to be different again in six months ' time , or even next week — but do you love it as it is right now ?
25 He poured himself more whisky , pressing Herr Nordern to have another , too , and saying that he was leading the Norderns into bad ways but that they must forgive him as it was n't very often they saw him , ha ! ha ! and Herr Nordern , while not prepared to accept that he was led by anyone except the leaders of his country , took the whisky , thinking , what the devil , he had worked like a dog all day , and it was true , Karl would not be with them much longer and they would probably never see him again and , he had to confess , he would n't mind if he never saw him again as long as either of them lived .
26 But apart from this small point , I do n't think that anyone could fault it as it is so cleverly constructed and presented .
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