Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pers pn] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The women would look up and congratulate me and encourage me to ‘ go on , go on , you can , you can ’ .
2 Moving on to Zimbabwe 's admission to Test ranks , one can only congratulate them and wish them well , while inevitably questioning their prospects in that kind of company .
3 When thou wast young , thou girdedst thyself and walkedst whither thou wouldst ; but when thou shalt be old , thou shalt stretch forth thy hands and another shall gird thee and carry thee whither thou wouldst not .
4 Yet there remains an important element of truth in the observation , ‘ another shall gird thee and carry thee whither thou wouldst not ’ .
5 Yes we do make them and sell them .
6 What d do you make them or sell them or what ?
7 Who will comfort them and watch over them ? ’
8 The client is encouraged , and initially assisted , in developing and carrying out strategies for testing thoughts and beliefs about what might happen , e.g. ‘ If I ask my boss for a raise he 'll sack me or bite my head off . ’ ,
9 Well he 's got two choices , he can either eat them or starve .
10 None of these major issues figures in Krashen 's scheme of things , so he presumably does not regard them as having any relation at all to the learning and teaching of languages .
11 Sports heroes and pop stars provide images for teenagers , who may imitate them and style themselves upon them .
12 He wanted to take me where the cold would hurt me and make me more miserable .
13 Sketch the displays , then use the information in this section to help you compare them and judge how effective each one is .
14 You 'll oblige me and fetch a priest here who can do the marrying , and a skinful of wine for everyone and food for a month or more , since we 're settling .
15 If we may further generalize on these projects , we may describe them as setting up models of teaching methods and materials , thus tending to extend and develop user education methods , rather than analysing and criticizing existing methodologies and materials .
16 However , they have told me recently that , when I was about nine or ten , they thought me a bully because I would surreptitiously pinch them or pull their hair in order to keep them in line — that is , in order to make them behave as my parents would have wished them to .
17 That those kinds of women make everyone need them and rely on them , so they foster an array of — of emotional cripples around them .
18 It is part of the spontaneous process which reason guides ; inference is indispensable to criticize and correct its spontaneous assimilations and differentiations , but can never abolish them and start again from logically impregnable foundations .
19 He pretended he did n't know me or did n't want to .
20 As the trees grew , he had told Miss Lockwood , she could thin them and sell the thinnings as Christmas trees in the right season .
21 Or they would rob them or threaten to execute them .
22 Not images , but people who can direct them or lead them , channel their energies or expand their scope are what they need .
23 The making of great telescopes , and of the mountings which would direct them and keep them focused on a star , required great industrial resources and skill .
24 Jeremiah , the Old Testament prophet , assures us of God 's promise : ‘ You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart . ’
25 He can catch them and gut them .
26 Those who have it will be better at forming relationships of all sorts because they do not find it impossible to believe that other people could actually respect them and care for them .
27 They may be freer to experiment or help unpopular clients , and the government can then disown them or cut off funds more readily if it is attacked .
28 I remember when I was working on the building sites in Manchester , the Irish lads called onions " navvies ' apples " and some of them would peel them and eat them whole like fruit .
29 ‘ Well , ’ he said , ‘ you can peel them and boil them or cut them up and fry them or … ’
30 Decide exactly where and how you will jump them and avoid wasting time by taking long sweeps before and after fences .
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