Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] it [that] " in BNC.

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1 What 's he know about it that we do n't ?
2 We are let know by it that she is a person of Taste …
3 To get the most out of TV and radio appearances it is sensible to inform other departments in your organisation who can capitalise on it that the piece will be appearing .
4 ‘ I can vouch for it that nobody has moved from his or her desk all the time you 've been here , except for Nigel and he has not moved from his corner . ’
5 We could walk round to the stables , if you do not object to it — I can vouch for it that the grass is not wet — and then perhaps Miss Araminta will not hear as the horses will not come to the front door . ’
6 ‘ You can see from it that as the market has changed , so we have changed our services to meet the market needs .
7 It is also much easier to create a market situation which will see to it that the value goes up . ’
8 In an implicit reminder that 380,000 Soviet troops were still stationed on East German soil , he said : ‘ We firmly declared that we will see to it that no harm comes to the GDR . ’
9 I will see to it that you are not left with Mrs Ross on your hands .
10 Did she not understand that I would look after her , that 1 would see to it that she was safe and well ?
11 While we were among them , they would see to it that we were cherished .
12 He must seek the advice of the wisest money-brokers and buy a pension scheme if he be self-employed ; he must see to it that he does not over-extend himself on the mortgage front ; he must run a motor car that does n't drink petrol like tapwater and wo n't break him every time it needs a service from a franchised dealer ; above all , he must abstain from vicious pleasures — or if he needs must indulge , then he must do so only in moderation .
13 The portiere barked some instructions at the boy and made Sandison to understand that Aldo would see to it that the letter got posted .
14 So you 'd better see to it that Luke and Sonny do n't go often to the village .
15 Dammit , he deserved to be reported to whatever professional body insurance investigators belonged to and if he upset her father she 'd see to it that he was .
16 Let them see to it that their power is used effectively in the coming elections for the establishment of a bona-fide working-class party , and above all let them beware of the intriguing politics and hypocritical middle class friends of Germany .
17 ‘ I 'll see to it that Polly do n't get into any debt again , do n't you worry . ’
18 I shall personally see to it that you are put away in a place where not even the crows can land their droppings on you !
19 I promised that his further education would be no burden to them , and that after the war , I would see to it that he received a free college education , which should not be denied him , but all I got was ‘ You take ‘ im , Mr Burton , you take ‘ im . ’
20 If anything happens to him then I 'll see to it that you 're held personally responsible . ’
21 My son will see to it that you have an allowance to meet your everyday needs , and Padre Jorge will instruct you on the sacrament of holy matrimony and your obligations to your husband . "
22 That was that , for if I now refused my mother would see to it that I regretted my foolishness .
23 And even if it has n't , maybe Rohmer can see to it that you 'll spend the rest of your life behind bars along with Jimmy Devlin ?
24 ‘ I mean , Mrs Willmot wo n't be the only one — or rather , Mrs Willmot will see to it that she is n't the only one .
25 I do n't care how different he is underneath , ’ she cut through Davide 's protests , ‘ how much bluster it is , blusterers make poor husbands , never could make a woman happy for more than five minutes , and anyway , Caterina can do better and I 'll see to it that Rosalba does better too .
26 If Leary got nothing else , Rain would see to it that he got that .
27 The worldly-wise orchestrator will rather see to it that there is not an important clarinet part in the aforesaid section .
28 South Africa , he says , must have friendly black neighbours to her North , and will see to it that Smith ‘ settles ’ with the black majority on terms that achieve this .
29 Waterstones will see to it that in 1993 bigger and even-better bookshops open throughout the land . ’
30 Cumulative selection will see to it that animals are well fitted to outrun their predators or outwit their prey , no less than it sees to it that they are well fitted to the prevailing weather conditions .
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