Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [noun pl] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It means that we can think about things that are not present .
2 What does Mr Hattersley know about rights that sets him above the wisdom of the ages ?
3 Let us strive for relationships that are mutual and be careful not to impose ourselves on people who do n't want or need us .
4 The bill accepts the administration 's demand for a $150,000 limit on the punitive damages that women may seek from companies that practice discrimination ( although there is no limit on compensatory damages ) .
5 Once that knowledge is gained , it can be used to explain events in the natural world , to make predictions about what will happen in the natural world , and thus to control that world and make it behave in ways that are , at least in theory , to the advantage of the controllers .
6 When managing a transformational change , the CEO must behave in ways that indicate commitment to the new state ; demonstrating such commitment may be a new and unfamiliar form of behavior .
7 And the next time you buy something from a shop and find there 's something wrong with it do n't just jump to conclusions that you 've been deliberately cheated .
8 The market mechanism fails to provide a means whereby workers can signal to firms that they would demand more goods and services if only they could get jobs and so have more money to spend .
9 In Heath 's personal and confidential letters to chairmen of policy groups he said that interim reports should concentrate on points that might be considered for inclusion in a manifesto for an Autumn election .
10 This should clearly demonstrate to employers that the G M B takes this issue seriously and negotiators at all levels should be encouraged to approach employers to purchase personal attack alarms for their employees at risk .
11 ‘ We must demonstrate to youngsters that science and technology can in their many ways find the answers and should not always be viewed as the culprit . ’
12 As the Italian inventor may discover , the music industry does not flourish on recordings that sound right only on headphones
13 The world is blurred and they can only focus on things that are very close — seven to 12 inches away .
14 At one moment we shall be talking in terms of billions of years and billions of light years ; at the next we shall focus on events that are of importance for only billionths of a second involving particles so small that it is misleading to think of them as material objects .
15 Well certainly at times of stress erm all sorts of things are revealed and that 's one of the reasons why the current situation and the anxiety and level of stress around has resulted in people feeling a whole range of things that perhaps has actually surprised them erm and therefore it 's not surprising that children are equally filled with all sorts of the mixed emotions about what 's going on .
16 Well to a certain extent I suppose it 's true , erm but I suppose if you said , well erm you know , can I think of skills that I need to develop ?
17 Also , if you have any comments on the booklet or can think of ways that we might improve it , we 'd be pleased to hear from you .
18 Say Tandy to the majority of the PC population and they 'll probably think of shops that sell electronic goods that are ‘ Custom Manufactured for Tandy in — ’ almost every country except the US .
19 What does a course do for students that they would find difficult or impossible to do on their own ?
20 When I first became a Member of the House , I learned that one should never speak about things that one does not know or does not understand .
21 It would appear from investigations that this government in nineteen eighty four did a deal with the E E C to close down shipyards in future years , for which they received millions of pounds from E E C funds , and they never used them for the purposes they were supposed to be used for .
22 It would also be an appropriate time to institute similar legislation to that of the US government in order to keep company profits stable , thereby maintaining research levels , and at the same time ensure that people may benefit from drugs that would otherwise not be available because they were not profitable to produce .
24 The Outer Kingdoms are more worldly as one would expect from nations that have to deal with marauding Norse and Dark Elf raiders .
25 They can , however , invest in others that operate in other Bell franchises .
26 Through them , it is possible to argue , as Foucault concluded from the design of the Panopticon , a whole type of society may emerge , a society based on the protection of sectional interests through subtle coercion , whose technology is used to preempt what people can and can not do in buildings that they use or occupy .
27 ‘ … and the moral of that [ said the Duchess ] is — ‘ Be what you would seem to be ’ — or , if you 'd like it put more simply — ‘ Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise .
28 I I do suggest that if you feel that some easing is required that er you could specifically refer to exceptions that will be set out er in local plans .
29 Beecham 's comments are worthy of repetition : ‘ these two Concertos have a refinement and distinction that never fails to fall fragrantly on the ear , and offers to the musical amateur , who may feel at times that the evolution of his art is becoming a little too much for either his understanding or enjoyment , a soothing retreat where he may effectively rally his shattered forces ’ .
30 This committee would include opposition members and would work through subcommittees that might include members who were not on the full committee .
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