Example sentences of "[vb infin] [noun sg] but [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Wolfgang Hildesheimer ( 1985 , p.201 ) , in his ‘ warts-and-all ’ study of Mozart , suggests that music offers similar opportunities : ‘ Why else should we need music but for its ability to satisfy our longing for emotional experience , without our having to undergo the deep tumult at its root ’ .
2 Teaching delivered through coercion , bullying and threats may achieve learning but at tremendous cost to children 's confidence , self esteem and personal dignity .
3 We can measure productivity but with motivation we can only make certain assumptions that improved motivation may lead to improved performance .
4 These will maintain growth but at slower rates than with live food .
5 Erm well I 'll pay cash but before July .
6 I then asked rather than erm wait for er Dr to come back , er we changed onto a different product which did n't involve conductivity but before doing that , I asked for ten pallets of to be run off with the nutrient mix reduced from two K Gs per metre to one point five K Gs per metre .
7 Johnson : ‘ Sir , a man can not make fire but in proportion as he has fuel .
8 Change may cause disruption but without it improvements can not be made .
9 He could not find Strawberry but after a time Cowslip came up to him from the other end of the hall .
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