Example sentences of "[vb infin] [unc] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Erm not a not a a good thing to do when I when I said necessary , without it a lot of people would er I do n't know er aggravate I do n't want to make it say more drastic than it is .
2 Now I do n't think of us here and neither , certainly myself , I I would not claim to be any form of artist or expert but I think a lot of us can enjoy er getting our hands dabbling with paint erm paper mâché and other activities and in fact having that opportunity of ex enjoying those experiences that 's we ought to be able to offer to people in Cambridge and many peop children in schools they they do get opportunities but I think particularly amongst older people who 've never had that opportunity and I think you should be do so .
3 Do you know so do you want to know something really
4 It do you want er do you want
5 That 's all , that 's all I could do wa mind you , I went when the war finished when the war finished and that do n't forget , and Reg , when he packed up first , I went to my stud groom and made your beating .
6 Anyway I 'll , I 'll just finish er telling you this , so Robert 's then sitting back smug with himself and looking at me as if to say what do you think about then , and I 'm thinking I 've heard these words before , where have I heard these words before
7 and the last thing I wanted to do was give , give erm give you anything because
8 So if we can have a look at another case , er did anybody do erm excuse me , Mr and Mrs ? ?
9 What do you fee , as a person do you feel in do you feel any different living here to elsewhere ?
10 That would make th give it a better erm
11 Why does n't he make th make your own bloody mincemeat then !
12 Er , I would like er to welcome you all to tonight .
13 Erm could could I suggest that the committee might like er to ask me to right to the W I to thank them for getting a new piano ?
14 So we would like er to support what you 're saying .
15 How , how did it work out on the champion of champions night with having the the table show , the full table show that we cancelled when Danny came er how did it work er did it work out comfortably ?
16 I do n't think I would dare er call it a carol .
17 We can then use unc to transform it to something of the form unc The unc that no longer appear as input variables among the unc still appear in the declaration and in
18 Erm which I can remember som go something along the lines of rehearsal at four thirty , picnic tea
19 Erm I 'm not quite sure about this , I may be wrong , but I thought that maybe that you could 've erm questioned him a little bit more about why he thought he needed to speak to his accountant .
20 A I er I do n't want erm finish my bun .
21 And do and do you think erm do you think it 's justified to take the trees down because you 're going to put up some some new little ones in their place ?
22 Well I should n't have thought young children would have und understood it .
23 And even then I , I would have sa thought he , he was very up to date .
24 You know we could 've We limited They were limited to the intake , but we could have er increased I think .
25 I would have co thought it 'd be better here .
26 Do you wan na hear erm do you wan na hear Fiona singing ? she was singing on the mike , she was singing yeah really singing you know .
27 so that or you might just have erm say you had biscuits and your mum was going to give you biscuits and you 've got two friends round .
28 Er you know , perhaps if Baden Powell might have appr approved it , of it you know it 's it 's
29 And did David Bellamy have an have something to do with it ?
30 I 'll tell Ang push them through the door so they can get
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