Example sentences of "[vb infin] [modal v] not be " in BNC.

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1 Those who do cooperate may not be entirely honest , and the richest members of society may be particularly prone to underestimating their wealth .
2 In short , comparing individuals in a survey who thought that candidate A would win with those who believed that candidate B would win would not be comparing two groups similar in all possible other respects , unlike the experiment discussed above .
3 The optimistic consensus is that they do n't but that one has to be very careful about making them , and the level of detail one can achieve may not be as great as one may like .
4 The problems we shall face will not be wholly new ones , but those with which we are familiar ; though perhaps intensified and extended .
5 For instance , beneficial loans supported by borrowings in the currency of a non-UK domiciled employee 's home country where low interest rates may prevail should not be assessed .
6 What either of these methods might produce would not be far removed from the Silhouette ‘ tipsheet ’ for authors .
7 The level of attention which a special needs child might merit and deserve may not be possible — or the programme which the rest of the class follow may have to be skewed or truncated or adapted for them to be integrated .
8 Clean air is an example of non-excludability : if some people incur costs to avoid pollution , those who do not pay can not be excluded from the benefits .
9 An enemy who will not stand and fight , and who has sufficient room to move and hide can not be ‘ defeated ’ or absorbed .
10 The great centre which Michael Abdul Malik will build will not be , or look like a political centre .
11 We know that some laws it may make will not be effective .
12 For these kings could be frightening men ; and kings who can frighten may not be ‘ nice people ’ , but they will impose their kingship .
13 The effect of a new settlement south east of York would be to increase those levels so that people with from Greater York , would find would not be able to find accommodation within the new settlement and therefore the total housing requirement of Greater York would be increased and housing needs would not be met .
14 Where any power to revoke or determine can not be exercised within six years from the time when any particular property first becomes comprised in the settlement , the subsection does not apply to income arising under the settlement from that property , or from property representing that property , so long as the power can not be exercised .
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