Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] up the " in BNC.

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1 Who said I 'll answer me up the end and we can see how we go .
2 Well alright , but can you , can you not get rid of a couple of the boxes and what 's this thing there ? well why do n't you tip it up the other way and give yourself a bit more room , tomorrow Deana what 's that , your dictionary ?
3 We can see them up the top but
4 She 'll ring me up the day before . ’
5 ‘ Send me a Capex and I 'll run it up the flagpole . ’
6 I can stick it up the leg of my drawers . ’
7 Well perhaps we can manage it on a chair , then I can take them up the Stow and put them in the cleaning machine .
8 Well can Clay take me up the bingo ?
9 Sometimes , he said we used to take them motorway he said to junction whatever at Dover and they 'd be somebody waiting there with the money give us the car we 'd go back to London and they 'd just take it up the .
10 and even if I ca n't take it up on the day , I could probably take it up the night before .
11 He a big man and if I say I 'm not well he says he 'll have it up the back then and … ’ and I said ‘ Well , you 'll just have to put a stopper in it then , wo n't you ? ’
12 Why do you have to take your skateboard because you ca n't ride it up the bank can you ?
13 A gentle breeze helped nudge us up the first incline — then the next , and the next , before we reached a tricky scramble round a rocky peak .
14 Did they try and drag you up the farm yesterday ?
15 They had these cab-drivers in Israel using taxi frequencies to pass on intelligence to Cyprus , and as it came in , so they 'd pass it up the line to the PLO office in Nicosia .
16 The signs are not always immediately apparent or indicative , and can easily lead us up the garden path ; we have to learn to recognize the various spots and blemishes , however small .
17 And if you go , if you 're not gon na pick them up the next day .
18 And how did you get them up the station ?
19 She knew she was clutching at straws but nothing would get her up the West End .
20 He went there , he shook hands , he 'd shake hands with a vulture if he thought he could get him up the pedestal , but that 's neither here , something was done .
21 So I said to Geoff I 'll get it up the village shop .
22 A change in our fortunes at Kenilworth Road will soon get us up the table . ’
23 ‘ I will escort you up the first flight of stairs , but I shall observe the proprieties by leaving you to look after yourself on the second landing . ’
24 He clipped the lead on to the dog with cold hands which would hardly function , and let her pull him up the slope as fast as he could make his legs move .
25 We shall roll them up the more readily , one by one , ’
26 My mother and I helped push him up the ladder into the attic ( not easy — he was no lightweight ) , and then passed up the bucket for him to quench the flames .
27 And we 'll shoot him up the — ,
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