Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] into a " in BNC.

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1 I looked at what all those other glamour pusses produced and I thought , Edna , you can knock them into a cocked hat .
2 It is suggested that we should develop in co-operation , or at least in parallel , with similar organizations , so that we do not paint ourselves into a corner with incompatible technologies .
3 The clothes of those attending can also be referred to , especially if you can introduce them into a joke .
4 I would then pack them into a neat , brown-paper parcel , stick on one of our PPC labels , with customer 's name and address clearly visible , write out an invoice — then presto !
5 And it may tempt you into a mid-morning snack of chocolate biscuits or worse .
6 Whenever he spoke , it would compose itself into a ghoulish grin .
7 It was quite common for an affluent client to insist : " I 'm only interested in BES schemes , although a skilful dealer would tempt him into a short-term punt in a stock outside the BES .
8 I 'm sure we could tie him into a couple of torso cases and a bullion robbery .
9 I had seen shyness stiffen her into a quite absurd primness .
10 Consider now an arithmetic expression written in a high-level language like Algol or Fortran , for example A compiler for a computer with an array of accumulators would translate it into a form such as The compiler performs this translation by first transforming the original into reverse Polish notation , where each operator appears after its operands , in this case ( see , for example , Randell and Russell 1964 ) .
11 If you know enough about a task , you can always translate it into an exercise in theorem proving .
12 Guinness Mahon , a British merchant bank 65%-owned by Bank of Yokohama , gave warning that bad debts will plunge it into an after-tax loss of £35m ( $67m ) for the six months to March 31st .
13 Similarly , he feels that by offering it as a no-cost option , the company invalidates the criticism that users will tie themselves into a non-standard technology : since V.32terbo is downwardly compatible with V.32bis , he points out that users are not losing anything by giving themselves the option of faster transmission with V.32terbo .
14 But he was n't very good , and even to please her ( which was his only motive for practising ) he could not make himself into a musician .
15 ‘ It 's what I 've wanted to do for a long time , so long that I ca n't remember a time when the name Tony Radcliffe did n't send me into a violent rage ! ’
16 They retain a common language and are developing a political awareness that may ultimately unite them into a distinct western Arctic nation .
17 Retirement , when it comes , hits these people unnecessarily hard , and can propel them into a downward spiral of lethargy and depression , leading to premature death .
18 In this case we must reconstitute ourselves into a court of appeal and go through all the evidence afresh .
19 ‘ Compared to many other parts of Europe , property in Portugal is relatively low-priced so the extra amount of money would lift you into a different , far higher bracket .
20 You 've got two legs that can carry you there and two hands that can pour it into a glass .
21 MEDIRACE is raising £81.8million through a rights issue to cover most of the cost of the Evans Healthcare acquisition , which will propel it into a much bigger league .
22 Most remarkable of all , if you take two sponges and treat them both in this extreme way and then mix cells from the two , they will reconstitute themselves into a single mixed-parentage entity .
23 Here are people who quite blatantly do n't give a f— for social pleasantries , leastways not when they can lock themselves into a groove and cunningly misplace the key .
24 However this would lock us into a service led system , with very little room for the expression of user choice or the tailoring of services to the individual .
25 you can consciously file them into a structure , by subject or source ;
26 Make sure that the horse stays calm and does not work himself into a frenzy .
27 But pacifism did not convert itself into an electorally oriented party and its position in the Labour Party was seriously eroded when George Lansbury resigned from the party leadership in 1935 ( see below , pp. 163 — 72 ) .
28 Deep down , though , Eubank suspects that only the loss of his bitter enemy 's title during his next three fights could galvanise him into a repeat of their epic of two years ago — and commercially that would devalue the rematch .
29 Make a feature of it , do n't just stick it into a piece of furniture and hope it will look right .
30 ‘ Let me work it into a pattern .
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