Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] she says " in BNC.

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1 It was Gwendoline speaking , Alicia glanced at her , well I did n't do it she says , nor did Daryl , sorry to disappoint you darling Gwendoline , Mary , but we just did n't , if it was any one I should think it was you .
2 Perhaps the woman will do what she says , then . ’
3 well Lindsey , mind she smoking when she was twelve and drinking and she did n't like it she says because it made her head go all funny and she did n't know what was going on , what was happening .
4 We 'll see what she says when she comes back .
5 She says as I say I 'll have to wait and see what she says , because she said , you know when weather gets better , oh I says you 're better off waiting while it gets better weather
6 I do n't know , there 's a young doctor , but I can nae remember what she says , but see when I kneel a lot , Doctor
7 it 's just , she 's , I think , I can nae remember what she says , something about nodules on the kneecap or something .
8 Superficially , such a judgement would have been rather puzzling , given that adverbs , including adverbs of manner , normally can qualify the verb believe : ( 71 ) we must reluctantly believe what she says 4.8 The proposal to treat the adjectives of Sections 4.5 and 4.6 as if they were part of a modified subordinate clause is not of course a novel one ; notoriously , the postulation of modified subordinate clauses has been adopted by many writers in recent decades as a grammatical panacea for all manner of syntactic problems .
9 Erm but you see , I mean I can only erm believe what she says because I have no other proof .
10 Because she I ca n't understand what she says to me .
11 Because I was telling Mary to see what she says do n't tell them she says , that your she says , do n't tell them that your windows are steamed up , she says , before you get the double glazing in .
12 She says no do n't tell him she says you told me , just do it she says and then when we stop it you can tell him .
13 And I do n't care what she says about the wonderful home-style kosher cooking .
14 I do n't care what she says and what she does . ’
15 I 'll have a I du n no what she says is what it is apparently it 's right across , right through is erm
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