Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [adv] when " in BNC.

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1 BADGES have long been a cheap , effective way of making a statement — whether it 's Ban The Bomb or I Love Madonna — but do n't throw them away when your fervour wanes .
2 The Minister did not answer me earlier when I tried to raise a point about the period of between six and 16 months .
3 And I 'm sure she 'll want them too when the time is right .
4 Enid and I will describe it all when we come back . ’
5 Movement , scent and sound can give you away when you 're heading in for a close up shot .
6 ‘ We are brave , we do bring her home when we can .
7 So you could n't carry it outside when the fire alarm went off .
8 At the start she would rehearse arranging them with the nun so that she would do it well when she got to the Hogans , but as the weeks went by she grew in confidence .
9 I will do it even when it snows and when it rains .
10 Lee Reiswig , head of IBM Personal Software Products says IBM can get NT applications running under OS/2 by implementing a ‘ thin layer ’ of code — but will do it only when there are sufficient applications .
11 Lee Reiswig , head of IBM Personal Software Products says IBM can get NT applications running under OS/2 by implementing a ‘ thin layer ’ of code — but will do it only when there are sufficient applications .
12 No she ai n't , cos she ai n't coming down here for the and I told her that we would be nipping to town to so we can do it then when she ai n't with me , the offer 's only on till tomorrow .
13 Each of these are covered in this leaflet as each may affect you personally when deciding whether to take the HIV antibody test .
14 Would you see them much when you 'd gone to work ?
15 You tell him to come and see me again when he 's in London . ’
16 What you do is to fix a line of battens across the wall ( or right round the room ) just above skirting board level , securing them with partly-driven masonry nails so you can remove them later when the adhesive has set .
17 You can use them arbitrarily when you are speaking to those who can neither verify the accuracy of the data , nor have sufficient knowledge of the situation from which they are drawn to appreciate their significance .
18 Perhaps I should rejoin you here when you have finished ? ’
19 I can not keep you here when your mother wants and needs you .
20 He told me to come and see him again when I was pregnant .
21 The Rump , probably resentful , did not employ him again when it was reinstalled in December , and Mountagu had no wish to recall him .
22 Speed had a stormer as a central midfielder but how can we keep him there when Batts gets back ?
23 and then you 'll see it again when I finally pay you .
24 I mean can you see it really when
25 It 's hardly worth drawing the cheques in certain cases and the capital programme , could n't see it actually when I looked for it first time , had to go back to the pink sheet and found the noughts , now we 're not as generous as we 'd like to be , but at least we try .
26 And I 'll touch it later when let them do it !
27 ‘ I shall like it better when there is a gold band as well , ’ he told her .
28 Yeah but you could use it like when
29 Our steppe will truly become ours only when we come with columns of tractors and ploughs to break the thousand-year old virgin soil .
30 He will burn it all when the time comes . ’
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