Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 After they had eaten , her mother let Caro make them both a cup of tea .
2 He also designed a bed that could be raised up and down and told Pat to go to the patent office with the plan which would make them both a fortune .
3 Should eat them about a quarter at a time .
4 But you gon na buy them both a
5 Under the agreement the seven EFTA member countries would immediately abolish trade barriers on all goods covered except for certain sensitive products , while Czechoslovakia would abolish them over a 10-year period .
6 Shall we discuss them over a cup of coffee ? ’
7 no the , I 'd , I 'd pursue it just a little bit further , spend a
8 Do you have to reti pack it up a certain time ?
9 Do you think you could spruce yourself up a little ?
10 Erm , there 's a question of a rally in Central Hall , now in order to organise this pensioner 's rally there short of funds , erm , I think the executive will be discussing this and as , as before we did give them quite a considerable donating , because it costs a thousand pounds to hire the centre hall and we do want to erm take part in a very big rally , like the last one was .
11 Would you give them a hundred thousand pounds worth of life cover for a shorter period , looking at them making up the difference perhaps later when they could afford it , or would you give them initially a reduced amount of life cover , say eighty thousand , for the eighteen years ?
12 if I needed any I , I used to ask my boss or phone up head office and say petty cash is getting a bit low I 've used a lot of stamps last week , they 'd send me up a cheque and , never any question of they 've provided us with tea and the pint of milk I use , I , I 'd bring it in with me or ask the
13 They took no care to work quietly , hoping that someone they disturbed from sleep would fetch them out a hot drink or a bite of freshly-baked bread .
14 However , if the force-carrying particles have a high mass , it will be difficult to produce and exchange them over a large distance .
15 I do not recollect that we ever tried it , although my father did bring me home a bottle containing two or three sticks of white phosphorus , at the same time showing me the mark on his thigh where , so he said , a piece of phosphorus has fallen while he was attempting to write on a wall with it .
16 Member will give me just a moment to finish the point that I am making I shall come to that .
17 Can you give me just a few moments ?
18 Could you give me just a little clarification on that
19 ‘ If it is alligators , ’ said Gurder , trying to look noble , ‘ I shall show them how a nome can die with dignity . ’
20 Tony Wright … says it has n't been a good season they have n't batted well … but someone has got to take the blame and he thinks he should stand down and give someone else a chance
21 Tony Wright … says it has n't been a good season they have n't batted well … but someone has got to take the blame and he thinks he should stand down and give someone else a chance
22 I do feel its only a very fine tweaking job to be done and we will be unstoppable .
23 Do you want Ann to go and whip you up an apple crumble ?
24 Ignorance may be blissful , but it could bring you both a nasty shock when the subject does come up .
25 Can I bring you up a cup of tea or something ?
26 Shall I bring you up a tray , or will you come down ? ’
27 We 'll bring you back a spider — we found one in our bed the size of an LP !
28 I 'll bring you back a horse .
29 When you 've tasted mine you might not want , you might want me to bring you bring you back a different sort .
30 I 'll tell you what I 'll bring you back a crate of fucking French extra strong mints
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