Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Miller admitted : ‘ Barry has done a magnificent job and in the interests of the team we would want someone of his calibre back in charge as soon as possible . ’
2 Miller admitted : ‘ Barry has done a magnificent job and in the interests of the team we would want someone of his calibre back in charge as soon as possible . ’
3 Could you direct me to his rooms ? ’ she asked .
4 But he had already said something similar to Burun , and did not know which of his words had been repeated verbatim .
5 Well the first time when he found it could comb is hair straight back with his right hand ; he could dry himself under his arms properly instead of just sort of wiping at it with a towel ; wash his teeth better , instead of using his left hand with difficulty because he 's never been really left handed .
6 Mum Julie , 31 , who will go with him , said : ‘ I always said he 'd win something with his trainers , but I did n't think it would be a trip to America . ’
7 One or two of his colleagues may know something of his patch if they have covered for him when he was unavailable , or if they have previously worked it before being transferred elsewhere .
8 Even I did not recognise him from his actions . ’
9 Since first meeting him I learned to admire and respect him for his sincerity , humanity , integrity and his delightful sense of humour .
10 President Yeltsin was also facing trouble from Russia 's supreme legislature , which was reported to be tabling a motion that would strip him of his emergency powers .
11 It had hurt him , Groa knew , that his father did not need him at his side now , in the first hour of real danger since Rognvald had tried to claim the north seven years before .
12 Obviously Miles did not trust her with his camera or there might have been a matching sequence of ‘ Miles in front of a shop …
13 What most terrified Bernier was the notion that his long stay in India would rob him of his cultivated Parisian sensibilities .
14 If er something comes in , they can attack him on his back do you see .
15 Richard Needham , it was said , is only interested in appearing to develop the area in so far as it would assist him in his fight against ‘ terrorism ’ .
16 I pay tribute to the work done by my hon. Friend the Member for Pontefract and Castleford ( Mr. Lofthouse ) in the area and promise that I will assist him in his fight .
17 Edgar thanked the Danes for their support and allowed them to live under such laws as they might choose , and it must be significant that Swegen landed in Lincolnshire when he made his bid for the kingship in 1013 , and that in 1066 King Harald of Norway made for York , where he had hopes that the citizens would assist him in his endeavours .
18 I think he 's Scottish by extraction , though you 'd hardly know it from his accent .
19 Should one of the fry slip from the nest the male will catch it in his mouth and spit it back into the nest .
20 You are then obliged to play a Spade from the dummy and East will win it with his 10 and cash his winning Club for the setting trick .
21 Politely he asked him to leave a quote so he could discuss it with his wife .
22 Best then to let him purge it from his blood while he is Prince , neh ?
23 Sam McAughtry , who first took his seat on this stage back in 1985 , will delight us with his humorous and heartwarming tales of life in the Tiger 's Bay district of North Belfast , while the best-selling author of ‘ To School Through the Fields ’ Alice Taylor , comes to us from County Cork with stories of life as a youngster on an isolated farm in that county in the '40s .
24 Oh , you would n't know anything about his thumping the table .
25 that is , it 's just that Mr who really did n't know anything from his and needle and thread was stirring the shit !
26 It was Sally 's dying wish that he should throw himself into his role as country copper Inspector Reg Wexford — and that he has done with a vengeance .
27 He knew he deserved nothing and so he decided to go home and throw himself on his father 's mercy .
28 We 're not supposed to help each other in a business way , are we ? ’ — he pulled a face at her — ‘ But I know he would welcome me into his band .
29 It 's up to the owner to decide which way round to have the post and rails , although he must erect them on his side of the boundary .
30 Chuck Sherman , who had noticed the excited gleam in his young brother 's eyes , grinned and punched him affectionately on the arm as he took the binoculars , but before he could lift them to his eyes a tumult of shouting and screaming broke out suddenly among the throng of Chinese pressing up against the iron grille below them .
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